Chapter 8

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We are standing outside a club named 'Rock the A' which is made up of old iron sheets. It looks strange or hideous. I don't know what the name of the club means. Okay! So.. this rich guy brought me to this hideous club? What the fuck is wrong with rich people? We enter in the club and a guy bumps at me on the shoulder and carries on walking, stumbling. He is probably too drunk. Aarush put his hand on my shoulder and slides me to his side to protect me. The current runs into my body as he touches me. I can literally feel the electricity tickling the upper part of my stomach. He flinches but recovers quickly. I feel that he felt the same. I continue to glare at him and I see the hint of smile at the corner of his face which he is trying to hide. He holds my hand to guide me to the bar table. The room is filled with all yellow and golden light. The club looks better from inside. We sit on the long legged chairs. There are groups of people on large sofas and I turn my attention to him.

"Two bourbon please." He says to the bar tender.

"Neat." I add.

"Owwkayyy" He says with a smirk and I laugh.

"I have never been to the club at late night. I feel really good.. like I feel the thrill or something." I say with my mouth open in amazement. I really don't have words to explain what I feel right now.

"Well, then seize the moment friend." He says holding his drink. We lift our drinks in the air to cheers. I take bourbon inside me and my throat burned like hell. I shake my head crunching my nose. He laughs looking at me. The drinks set into my stomach and I feel the warmness.

"One scotch." I say to the bar tender.

"Okay Okay... slow down." Aarush remarks. I gulp down yet another drink. I can feel my head spin a little. We sit for a few long minutes just smiling and looking at the people. The music is loud and I feel the urge to dance.

"Do you wanna dance?" I ask him and his face turns blank. "What?" I ask.

"I can't dance." He says with embarrassment.

"Oh come on." I pull him to the dance floor. He awkwardly stands beside the dance area and I let the music control my body. This confidence is new. The lights are dancing with me and warmth is sliding slowly inside my body. My hips moves with music and I dance there like I have always imagined, with my hair flying in the air and my eyes close. I feel my hips doing twerk with a guy, I didn't realise when I start doing it but oh my god, it's so hot here. I run to the bar as Aarush follows me without a word.

"Two shots" I say to the bar tender "Actually make it four." Aarush frowns and says "Don't you think one is enough?"

"Seize the moment babe." Oops. I just called him babe. The alcohol works real fast on my mind. The shots appear and I take in the three continuously. His lips are round in shock and I pull him again to the dance floor. The blue and red lights are dancing on my head. My mind is filled with euphoria. I close my eyes to feel every single spin of my head. He stands again on the same place that he was standing before. A shirtless guy appears from the crowd and wraps his arm around my waist. We move our hips in a same rhyme. I feel so good, dancing with stranger. I face him and wrap my arms around his neck. I look him in the eye and the look he gives me.... makes me bite my lower lip. My fantasy comes true. Another guy appears towards me. Before he could touch me Aarush comes pushing both of them away and says "Dude! She is drunk". Then no one is around me except Aarush. My head is spinning and I feel good, more confident, more free and full of life. Everything's slow. I take his hand to put on my hips and he stands awkwardly. I turn and lean my back over him. His hand is on my stomach now. I turn my head to take a glance at him and he stares back directly into my eyes. My stomach flutters and I flinch for a moment but alcohol is encouraging me to do that. I close my eyes to place my lips on his but he tilts his face away from me. I open my eyes accepting his rejection. I separate myself from him. I feel the anger taking place into me. I run towards the bar and order 'Negroni'. Aarush appears in my sight and says. "You are drinking too much." There is a concern in his voice.

"You are here to help me, Right?" I say. I think it is alcohol that made me say.... do these kinds of things. I order 'Sex in the beach'. He is sitting beside me just staring. He is not saying a word which is irritating. I snatch the bottle of white wine from the bar tender guy before my next drink could come and run again towards the dance floor. The wine takes course over me as I sip. My thoughts are hazy; my head feels full and heavy but in the best way.

He holds my hand and drags me out of the bar. I am intoxicated and he is fucking so much attractive. I lean my body over him as we walk outside. "You" I point my finger on his nose. "Kiss me". I put my finger on my lips.

"No" he says shyly "You are drunk". I pout my lips and walk away.

"Where are you going?" he asks following me.

"Upside". I answer holding bottle on my hand.

I reach upside the terrace of a building. Cold air cuts through my cheeks. I feel like I am freezing but it is still soooo hotttttt.

"Look". I point my finger at the moon. "It's sooo b eauti fullll." The words are coming out very slow from my mouth. Everything is slow and beautiful.

"You are beautiful." He says with a cute little laugh. I giggle and lay on the cold floor. He sits beside me as I keep taking sip of wine. I don't know if I keep saying something. It's like I myself cannot hear my little blabbers but the sky feels so full and beautiful and magical, my mind fill with ecstasy. We drive back to my hotel and I am in no position to walk. I make through my bed.

"Take care." He says leaving my room. I don't want you to leave. No. No. Please. But he leaves. Didn't he hear that I don't want him to leave? Am I not saying loud enough?

"I don't want you to leave." I shout but he doesn't reappear from the door. I turn to look at myself in the mirror. I smirk and ask from the mirror girl "Look at you... wanting him back. Aren't you just alone forever?"

"I am NOT." The mirror girl replies.

"You mean you have lots of friend?"

"Shut up."

"Look at you... needing him." I start to sing until I realise someone standing and laughing at me. Aarush stands at the door covering his mouth. "Ughhhhhhhh" I shout.

"Hey! Miss Loner." He mocks.

"You left me.. alone."

"How can I leave you alone when you just literally shouted your guts out that 'I don't want you to leave'? I heard it even inside the lift." He sits at the edge of the bed.

"Oh.. did you?" I say slowly. He nods in reply.

"I want you..." I say slowly "... to come lay beside me."

"And I want you to sleep."

"Nooooooo." I shout again and he puts his hand on my mouth to stop me and.... I... he is close enough... and he is looking at me. My breath is stuck at my chest right now.

"I better take a leave now." He says realising the awkwardness. I grab his collar and push him on the bed. His eyes are wide in shock and my head is spinning. I manage to sit on his stomach. I myself do not realise that what I am doing. There is a blurry vision in front of my eyes as I look towards his face, I pout my lips to kiss him but there is blackness in front of my eyes. I bump my head on his and everything is dark.

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