Chapter 7

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The pic above is Andy.

What was his problem?
I love Andy, just not like that. And even if I did, he's gay so it wouldn't matter. But he's like my brother. I've known him since I was 8 years old.

I love Liam and I have always loved him. Well, since I was 4 years old anyway. He knows that I love him. I told him before I left. But that doesn't mean that he ever truly loved me. He said he did, but that didn't, doesn't, mean anything. He couldn't have meant it.

Nobody could love me. I'm a pathetic, worthless, piece of trash.
Apparently I said it out loud because Liam said something back to me.

"No your not Michelle. You're far from ever being pathetic, worthless, or a piece of trash. I don't care if your father said that to you. You are my life, my reason to get up in the morning. Don't you ever let me catch you saying that. Ever again. Do you understand me?" Liam said with an Alpha tone in his voice.

Alpha? I always thought he was just a prince. Not an Alpha.

"I'll try not to. But it's gonna be hard. I've been saying that for 10 years."

"10 years?!" Harry said incredously.

"Yeah. 10 years. I'm a very sensitive person so things like that stick with me very easily." I said with a sigh. "I wish I wasn't this sensitive."

"Everyone's sensitive. It's just that some people are more sensitive than others." Andy said to me.

"Thanks Andy. It means a lot that y'all are not the kind of people who judge." I said to them all.

I got up and ran to the back where I had my own workout room.
Everybody except for Andy ran after me.
He knew that I needed to be alone. The boys didn't.

I ignored them and started on my workout.
100 pushups.
100 situps.
100 pullups.
All without stopping.
Then I pulled myself up to the top of the pullup bar and did a gymnastics thing. They were in aww.

"Michelle. You forgot to get a water bottle." Andy said and I was confused.

"When did you get in here?" I asked Andy.

"When you were doing the pushups." He said and threw me the water bottle.

"OK." I said and caught it with one hand.
I took a swig of it and hopped down.
I put it on the ground and jogged over to the treadmill.
I ran 3 miles before Liam turned it off. I almost fell on my face before he caught me.

"Oof." I said. "You suck!" I yelled at Liam and he chuckled.

"Actually. I think that Andy sucks." Harry said.

"Hahahaha!" Andy laughed.

"That was uncalled for." I said to Harry.

"Its OK. Hey! I have an idea." Liam said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You take us to Mrs. Elaine and Zayn adopts you." He said.

What do you think is going to happen? Let me know.

Thank you

BEST FRIENDS WITH HIM? *on hold for now*( a one direction-vamp- fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora