chapter 10

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"You need to get up and pack. Michelle Dawn Bell!" He yelled my name after he noticed that I leaned back and got comfortable.

"I don't need to get up. I can stay on the bed." I said and he scoffed.

"Yeah right. You totally can." He said sarcastically.

"I can!" I protested. "I snapped my fingers and everything was packed.
I looked at him accusingly and he lowered his gaze from me to the -now- clean floor. His cheeks heated up.

"Believe me now?" I asked smartly and he just shook his head 'yes'.
"Good. The other boys arere coming. Why did Zayn adopt me? He is only 19 years old. He doesn't need a 15 almost 16 year old daughter. What will the fans, and everyone else think? I should have never agreed to this. I'm so stupid!" I rambled on while sitting up, and Liam looked behind me.
I turned around and found the rest of the boys there.

"I'm guessing that you heard all of that? And might have seen all of what I just did?" I said and they nodded.

"Ok. Well, can one of you hand me a bottle of water and a sandwich out of the mini-fridge and a bag of chips out of the closet? Y'all can have one too if you want one." I said and Niall ran to the fridge, grabbed two sandwiches and two water bottles, then to my closet.

"They're on the first shelf in the corner" I said and he grabbed two for him and me.

He sat beside me on the bed and opened his food. He started eating, but stopped after a few bites.

"This is really good Michelle. Did you make these?" He asked and I nodded yes because I had a mouthful of my own food.

"Its so weird that you will eat in front of us guys. And the fact that even though you are a fan, you did not get up in our faces and scream." Niall said and I smiled.

By now I had swallowed the food I had on my mouth.

"Everyone deserves to be treated like a normal human being every once in a while. And I like food. You are my friend and I don't care what you think about me eating in front of you guys. If I'm hungry. Then why starve when I can eat?" I said and they looked at me in aw.

"We never thought of it that way. Our girlfriends never like to eat in from of us, and when they do, it's a salad and just a little bit of one at that." Zayn said and I shook my head.

"Totally not me. I don't like salads that much. And if I'm gonna eat, I'm gonna eat 'till I'm filled up. I'm nor like most girls. Most girls can't say that they were friends with 2/5 of One Direction when they were kids." I said. They agreed with me.

"So what now?" I asked.

"We go to London." Louis said very excitedly.

"You just want to go so you can see Elenore. Zayn wants to go for Perrie, and Niall for Becky." I said and they nodded in agreement. "Hey Harry? You never did answer my question about the whole 'girlfriend' thing earlier." I pointed out.
He looked to the ground.

What do you think he is going to say?
Let me know, please.

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Thank you,
-michelle bell

BEST FRIENDS WITH HIM? *on hold for now*( a one direction-vamp- fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now