Wedding day

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Heather get ready and puts on her dress.while James puts on his tux.James walks out.and the music starts to play and every one stands up.Heathers stand by the door with Jay.They open the doors and she walk down the white carpet with white pelts.Jay walks her down and gives her away.
"Lady's and gentlemen we are here gathered today for a beautiful marriage"
(I'm cutting it short)
"James repeat after me,with this ring i"(cutting it short)
After Heather said hers they both look at each other in the eyes.And said there vows.
"Heather I will always be with no matter what I will love you till the end"
"James I love you and I will always be right by your side"(btw I'm cutting it short)
"You may now kiss the bride"
They both leaned in and kissed.
"I may now present Mr. and Mrs.Peterson"
Everyone stand up and claps and throw white rose pelts.They both hold hands and run off in the car and drive back home so they can pack and say there good byes and leave to there new house.

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