♡ real life ♡

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"Morning babygirl"


"Time to get up darling. We're going to Auntie Flos today and then we're going to the beach."

At the mention of going to her favourite aunts house, Rose sprung up, making Lizzie laugh softly.

"C'mon mama, let's go! I wanna see Auntie Flo!"

"I'm coming sweetheart."

The woman quickly got Rose dressed and they both headed downstairs excitedly, going to get some breakfast that Scarlett had whipped up for them, before their two hour journey to Florences house.

(A/N: for the sake of this story we're gonna say that all the Avengers cast had to move to the UK for a good few years to film all the films. No one died either😉)

"Hello my loves, breakfast is on the table."

Rose scurried off into the dining room and Lizzie stayed, kissing Scarlett softly.

"Good morning"

"Now it's a good morning"

"Stop being so cheesy"

The two women laughed together, Scarlett pulling Lizzie close, holding her bump protectively

"I'm so excited to meet our little one"

"So am i bubs. So am i."

Lizzie turned her head to kiss her fiancé, slowly deepening the kiss. She turned round and pinned Scarlett against the counter.

"Mommy! Mama! Come on!"

The women jumped apart catching their breath. Once they got themselves back together, they walked into the dining room to sit down and have breakfast with their daughter.

Sitting down, the two women engaged in conversation with Rose about the baby- Rose typically asking if she can name her baby sibling something silly like; Baby or Chuggy, making both women laugh at her cuteness.

Once breakfast was done, Scarlett quickly got Rose cleaned up after she had sauce all over her face. The girls started loading up bags of things for Rose- bathing suit, snacks, juice etc.

Scarlett was last in the car, sitting in the drivers seat since she insisted that she drive because Lizzie you are pregnant, just relax.

Lizzie sat in the passengers seat with a huff and a pout on her lips which soon turned into a smile as Scarlett kissed her softly before taking her hand and resting them on the middle console.

"Ew! Mommy you just kissed Mama!"

"I love her, i'm allowed!"

"Tell me next time Mama! I shut my eyes then!"

"Okay baby.. okay."

Scarlett giggled from the drivers seat before turning her attention back onto the road for the next two hours.


"Auntie Flo!"

"Little Joh!"

Rose ran over to her auntie, jumping into her arms and giggling when Florence spun her around.

"Auntie Flo put me down!"

Florence put the small child down with a giggle and opened the door for her so she could run inside and head into her toy room- which, of course Florence had designed just for her favourite little Johansson.

Once she seen Rose was in and safe, she pulled the two older woman into a crushing hug.

"Hi baby mama! You're glowing!"

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