Bad News

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For those of you who have been keeping an eye on this book, I'm sorry to say that I won't be making a book 2... For now at least

I have finished Zexal, but this was just under a year ago, and as my obsession for other animes and series have increased, my love for Zexal has decreased.

I can't guarantee that Stay with Me (the sequel) will be completely abandoned though so maybe I'll pick it up in a few months time? We'll see how my mood changes.

Besides the fact that Challengeshipping is my most favourite Zexal ship, I have been slightly interested in Keyshipping. So I can promise that, in the inevitable future, you might see a Yuma X Astral book coming out (because almost a whole year later and that last episode still hits me).

Please don't be too mad at your author (I'm kidding, you're all super nice ^w^) but I hope everyone will support me on this. The one thing I hate the most is disappointing my readers, so I hope that explains why I've wasted about 200 words writing this... Anywayz

Hope to see you duelists soooon!!! And maybe I'll get into another Yu-Gi-Oh, we'll see XD

Always be potates!


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