Repeating Itself

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~With Paolo~

I was sleeping in my hotel room in Tokyo before I heard a loud creak on the floor. I wasn't sure why I was hearing that, but I had to wake up and see what it was.

I looked around and saw a figure, sitting at the dining room table. It had pigtails, a schoolgirl outfit, and I thought I heard CRYING?!

?????: パオロ? (Paolo?)

It got my attention as I turned the light on to see Maki, her eyes red, with a busted lip. I immediately got out of bed, thankfully I was wearing sports shorts to bed, lightly ran to her, and hugged her as she held into me so tightly while letting her tears fall.

Maki: *crying*

I let her look at me as I looked at her busted lip. She looked horrible because when I looked closer, one of her eyes was closed due to a black eye.

Me: マキ、何が起こったのですか? (Maki, what happened to you?)

Maki: 私のボーイフレンドでした。 Paolo、私はできませんでした - 。 私はできなかった - (It was my boyfriend. Paolo, I couldn't—. I couldn't—)

She couldn't speak and just held onto me for dear life. I was just so enraged that I should've been there to protect her.

Me: 雌犬の息子。 私はあなたを守るために出かけたはずです、それは私のすべての責任です。 (This son of a bitch. I should've been out to protect you, it's all my fault.)

Maki: いいえ、パオロ。 自分を非難しないでください。 (No, Paolo. Don't blame yourself.)

Me: いいえ私はやります。 私がそこにいたならば、あなたは今このように見えないでしょう。(No I do. If I was there, you wouldn't be looking like this right now.)

Maki: ただ落ち着いてパウロをお願いします。 朝、私たちは彼を見つけるでしょう。 (Please Paolo, just calm down. In the morning, we'll find him so you can beat him.)

Me: 罰金、しかし私にあなたをきれいにさせてください。 あなたが本当にそれを見てはいけないときあなたはたわごとのように見えます。 (Fine, but let me clean you up. You look like shit when you really shouldn't look like it.)

She blushed a bit, but I knew I shouldn't have done that.

Me: 申し訳ありませんが、それはそれを言うのが最悪でしたか? (Sorry, it was the worst time for me to say that, wasn't it?)

Maki: 大丈夫です。 私は今あなたからこの励ましのいくつかを使うことができました。 何が起こった後、私は自分のものをつかんで彼のアパートを使い果たしなければなりませんでした。 私が車にそれを作ることができる前に、彼は私の腕をつかみました、私を周りに言った、そしてそれは私がこの黒い目を得た方法です。 (It's okay. I could use some of this encouragement from you right now. After what happened, I had to grab my stuff and run out of his apartment. Before I could make it to my car, he grabbed my arm, turned me around and that's how I got this black eye.)

Me: ああ、マキ。 (Oh, Maki.)

I hugged her again just out of compassion. I really hated to see her like this and I want to find out where he was because when I find him, he was going to be a dead man.

Maki: 私があなたと一緒にここに滞在するなら大丈夫ですか? ただ私は一人でいる必要はありませんか? (Is it okay if I stay here with you? Just so I don't have to be alone?)

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