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Next Day~

Misun was walking to the school with Jugyeong, who was busy fixing her lip makeup. A familiar motorcycle passed by, making them startle. Jugyeong lip tint got smudged under her nose.

'' Goodness. That's so dangerous. '' She said angrily.

The boy parked his bike, taking off his helmet. He looked at the girls.

'' Hey, Lim Jugyeong. '' He called. '' Are you dating, Lee Suho ? '' 

'' N-no. '' Misun crossed her arms, narrowing her gaze at the boy.

'' What if she was ? It's none of your business. '' Misun spoke.

Seojun ignored her words and stared at Jugyeong. '' Really ? ''

'' Not in a- '' Jugyeong stopped. '' No we're not. ''

Seojun stared at her. '' I can see you aren't. '' He said and walked away

Misun glared at the boy's back, wondering what's going on in his mind now. 


Park Misun's Pov~

The teacher was teaching Math's and it was so boring. I yawned discreetly, not wanting the teacher to catch  me. The teacher ask who wanted to solve the problem and everybody tried to hide away her gaze. At last she called Suho and Soojin to solve the problem. She also called Juju, who looked frightened.

The three went to solve the problem and by the looks of it Juju was struggling to solve it.

Beside me Seojun made a frame, from his fingers. He watched Suho and Juju through the frame and shook his head. '' Of course not. They are not. '' I heard him.

'' Why are you so interested to know, if they are dating or not ? '' I asked.

'' None of your business. '' He said to me. I glared at him.

'' Then same goes for you too. '' I huffed and looked towards the board.

Now, only Juju was left at the board. She was looking at Suho's solution with a defeated look. The teacher approached her.

'' Jugyeong, what good is looking at it when you have a different question ? '' She said to her.

Juju laughed nervously. '' You're right. '' 

Seojun laughed loudly, making the class look at him.

'' It's look like Seojun is confident. '' Seojun turned his gaze at me. I smirked.

The teacher called him to solve the question, as he yawned and pretended to sleep. '' That won't work. Come out. '' The class laughed and the person who was happy the most was Juju.

Seojun glared at her as he went to solve the problem.


The girls were at Jugyeong's mom salon. Misun didn't want to go home so early, so decided to tag along with Jugyeong. Misun was sitting on the couch, her eyes were closed. No she wasn't asleep, just resting her eyes. 

She heard Jugyeong and her mom arguing, when the door opened. Hearing Jugyeon's mother, it was clear she knew the person. She  heard the lady complementing the boy looks.

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