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Same Day~

Author's POV~

Misun saw her bus coming and looked at the boy beside her. The boy sat with one hand in his pocket, as he scrolled through his phone. His hair falling on his forehead and he pushed it back. 

Misun recalled, how he helped her since past few days. A smile graced her lips remembering those moments. 

The bus came closer, and Misun leaned in to kiss the boy on the cheek. 

Just then, the boy turned to her and felt the girl's lips on his.

Their eyes widened and they immediately moved back. Their cheeks red.

The bus stopped, making Misun immediately stepping in the bus, as it's doors closed. Spotting a seat, she took it and kept her hand on her heart.

It was too fast.

She came out of her thoughts, when her phone rang. She looked at the caller Id.

Han Seojun.

Biting her lips, she accepted the call. No one spoke.

'' Text me when you get home. ''

Saying this, the boy hung up. He did not know, what would he say after the supposed kiss.

He kept his hand on his heart and patted.

'' Calm down, Jeez. '' He muttered and pushed his hair back, as he started to walk towards his home.


The duo were back at their homes, in their respective rooms. They both laid on the bed. One with a pillow wrapped around his arms and one with a plushie. 

Misun decided to text, that she reached home.

Han Seojun immediately saw the girl's text.

They both looked at each others pic on the caller ID, their minds rewinding it to the earlier event, making their cheeks red and heart race, once again.

A smile graced on their lips as they punched the air with their legs, while pushing their faces against the pillow/plushie.

Both of their hands, went to their lips. Only one thought in their minds.

We kissed.

Next Day~

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Next Day~

Misun's POV~

Me and Suho were on our way to school. It was snowing and roads were covered with snow.

TRUE BEAUTY (HAN SEOJUN) ( ON HOLD )Where stories live. Discover now