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Jacks POV:

I walk back into the suite and put the food on the counter in the kitchen area, it's really quiet so I assume Dylan's fallen asleep, "dyl?" I say as I walk into the bedroom, I see nothing but my phone on the bed, I see it's open on messages... on Sashas messages. Dylan must've been on here, I was going to tell her I was sleeping with Sasha for a while when we broke up but it never came up so I just didn't. I know it's a big thing but I didn't want to ruin what we had, especially since she had only just forgiven me. I throw my phone across the room "for fuck sake!" I shout as I storm out of the suite.

Dylan's POV:

I start walking away from the hotel. I don't care where I'm going I just need to get away from him. I can't believe this shit. I felt awful for having to tell him about me and Tyrone but I still did it, however he managed to let the fact that him and Sasha had been seeing each other for the entire time during our break. It's really busy around here at night and I don't really want to draw attention to myself so I hold back my tears and just walk until I find somewhere quieter. I continue walking and find myself at a beach, I sit down and just listen to the water, there's loud music and people talking and laughing behind me but I focus enough on the waves so I can block them out.

Today at 22:14

From jack

Dylan where are you?

Today at 22:17

From jack

Dylan this isn't funny where the fuck are you! I can explain everything.

Today at 22:23

From jack

Dylan you're in the middle of the busiest area in Ibiza at fucking night. Anything could happen please just come back to the suite!

12 missed calls

29 missed calls

I turn my phone off and sit on the beach for a few more minutes. "Hey pretty" I hear a mans voice from behind me, I turn around and see three men walking toward me, I stand up and start to walk away "that's not very polite" one of the men say, they speed up and walk along side me. I start to walk faster they keep up "please leave me alone" I say, it just causes them to all laugh "we aren't going to hurt you princess, we just want to have some fun" the man who spoke to me first grabs my hair from the back and pulls me onto the floor....

Jacks POV:

Dylan isn't answering my messages or calls, I hope she's okay, I've been searching for twenty minutes. It's hard to find her because it's so busy tonight especially since its a Saturday. After asking a few people if they've seen her I'm starting to lose hope. I walk behind a few shops and bars until I get to the beach, in the distance I see figures, some one on the floor and 3 others one of them on top of the person on the floor and the others were standing up, I walk closer in- a way of being nosey. There's a girl on the floor and the man straddling her is covering her mouth. I rush over "get the fuck off of her!" I say shoving the man off not even realising who the girl is "mind your own" another man pushes me back, "who the fuck are you touching you dickhead" I push him back, I hear the girl crying and look down and see it's Dylan. I run over to the one who was on top of her and punch him in the face, he had only just gotten up from me pushing him off of Dylan, what the fuck. Imagine if I hadn't gotten here, I should've checked on Dylan before getting into a fight but I just saw red. The man gets up "Jesus, what the fuck" he says wiping his bleeding lip, one of his friends shove me into the other quickly pulling a knife out the friend holds me back from being able to get to Dylan. Dylan gets up "get off of him" she grabs the one holding me, the one I punched slaps Dylan, "get the fuck off! Don't fucking touch her you prick!" I shout at him "who is she? You're girlfriend?" He frowns, "mario let him see" he says as he gets on the floor next to Dylan "don't you fucking dare" I say through my teeth, the man on the ground laughs.

Dylan's POV:

I stare at the ground until I feel a hand on my thigh, I quickly look around and it's the man who was holding me down before jack showed up, I look around for jack and see he's being held back and one of the men are holding a knife to his throat. The man touching my thigh gets closer to my face and goes to kiss me, I spit in his face causing him to get angry, he grabs my cheeks aggressively and brings me closer "you stupid bitch! Pull anything like that again and he's going to get stabbed." He says through his teeth. Tears start to fall down my face quickly as the man kisses me. He has olive skin, short curly black hair and his teeth were a stained yellow. He looked homeless. I almost threw up in my mouth as he inserted his tongue multiple times. I quickly turn my head away and he slaps me again. I don't want to fight because I'm worried about what they'll do to Jack. The man gets up and punches jack in the stomach, jack isn't really affected by it he looks like he's going to be sick after watching what the man just did. "Leo is it my turn with the girl now?" The with the knife says. Leo nods his head toward me, I see Jack look away as the man gets closer and places his hands on my chest, he licks my neck, his breath smells terrible. My crying becomes louder "please. Let us go we won't tell anyone I promise" I beg, the man grabs my throat "shut the fuck up" he says squeezing tightly, he strangles me for a few more seconds, I hear jack trying to get out of the mans grip but he receives a punch. At this point I don't care what they do to me I just want to get out of here with jack. "We can't do anything to bad, she could get us a lot" Leo says to the man on top of me "yeah she's a good one" he says licking my neck again, they must be talking about sex trafficking. "No! Please just let us go, you can do what you want with me you just have to let me and him go after." I say. Leo storms over to me and punches me straight in the face. "You fucking dickhead punch me, hurt me! Do you want money? How much do you want just let her go!" I hear jack say just before everything blacks out...

My best friends brother--jack grealishWhere stories live. Discover now