the dance

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"Where's he live?" Luke asked us..


"Above the beach in Malibu.." Julie said with a small shrug of guilt

"Let's go teach him a lesson" Luke grabbed his jacket from the chair in the corner 

"Wait.. what guys! we have to rehearse for the dance this is our first gig" Julie said as Reg gave me a sheepish smile before all of them poofed out leaving me and Jules alone

"Okay boys!" Flynn walks in clapping her hands "Get to playing, break times over.. mama needs her eye-candy"

"Their gone.. I think I just unleashed three angry ghosts in the world but I think I know where their going.. come on" Julie says leading me and Flynn out the studio 

(The Wilson household) 

As we literally ran to Carries house and having to jump over a gate we finally reached the front door and Julie rang the bell before peeking inside before quickly seeing Carrie walk to the door and open it looking confused 

"Heyyyyyy" All three of us said nervously and trying to act normal

"What are you three doing here?" She asks then realises something "How'd you get over the security gate?" 

"Teamwork.. do you have a band-aid the barbed wires new?" Julie stretches her hand look at the small scratches 

"What do you want?" Carrie asks unbothered 

"Uhhhh just thought you should know that their band is playing at the band tonight" Flynn chuckles making up some excuse 

"Ehaha now you knowww.." Me and Julies say in unison 

"You guys are acting weirder than usual?" Carrie lifts an eyebrow 

"Probably because we're thirsty.. can we come in for a glass of water?" Julie smiles at Carrie 

"Fine, if it'll make you leave faster" she let's us in but soon stops us "DON'T break anything" she then let's us keep going to get water and walks off, we walk around keeping an eye out and Julie mutters under her breath 

"Ugh where are you?"

"Um I'm right here" A boy said coming from behind us causing us to slowly turn around revealing a blonde boy Flynn and Jules seemed to know

"Nick.. look Flynn it's Nickkk, Nickster, Nicky-pooh.. Nickalisousss" Julie makes up nicknames while doing weird hand signs 

"Make it stop" I whisper to Flynn feeling so weird so she let's out a small laugh 

"Hey! Glad your here Nicky-pooh" At this point there was no saving us it was so cringy "We just wanted to tell you that Julie and her sister are playing at the dance" okay I slowly change my mind

"Oh yeah I saw your post" So called 'Nick' sits up from the couch and leans forward looking more interested 

"These girls bothering you babe?" Carrie brings us water 

"Nope, just telling us about the dance tonight" He seems to be nicer then Carrie yet dating her.. how 

"The Molina's and their hologram band are playing.. how'd you learn how to do all that stuff anyway" She hands us a glass of water each and sits next to Nick

"The internet.. it's not just full of make-up tips" Julie earns a look off of Carrie

"What so you say babe?" Nick asks her about the dance while placing an arm around her 

The One with the Ghost Boy (reggie peters x reader)Where stories live. Discover now