Moby, the goat

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Currently in Pompeii, 79 AD, the volcano had just erupted and Loki and Mobius were ready to leave when something rubbed against Loki's leg.

Looking down, there was a white goat staring up at Loki, clearly only months old due to the horns, rubbing its head against Loki's leg.

"Come on Loki, hurry up" Mobius spoke as he turned around to glare at the God

"We can't just leave him here, look at him, he's adorable" Loki mewled, kneeling down to pick up the small goat in his arms, holding it close against his chest protectively

"No Loki, you cannot keep him, now put the goat down." Mobius huffed, narrowing his eyes towards the two

Loki looked over at Mobius with puppy eyes, almost pouting

"I won't leave until I can take him"

"Fine, fine, just hurry up so you don't burn alive." And with that, the two returned to the TVA, one much happier than the other.

"What should I call him? He has to have a nice name, he's owned by a God after all." Loki hummed in thought while following behind Mobius, the goat in his arms

"I don't know Loki, could you think of a name more quietly?" Mobius scoffed, walking up the the cluttered desk that the two had previously been working at

"Ah! I've got the perfect name, I'll call him Moby, he's like a little Mobius." Loki grinned proudly while Mobius held the bridge of his nose for a moment, internally hoping for the will to not slap a bitch

"Just don't lose it, or I swear to god I'll take it back to the apocalypse along with you and let you both burn." Mobius grumbled tiredly

"I won't lose him, I promise, I'll take good care of him." Loki smiled as he sat at the desk and allowed the goat to lay on his lap.

With a final huff, Mobius turned and headed back to finally eat his lunch in peace since he never finished his salad.


"Mobiuss." Loki whined from behind the grey haired man who was just trying to eat his lunch

"Is this important? I'm trying to eat my lunch since you ruined my last one." Mobius sighed, turning around to face Loki

"Well it is kind of important..." Mobius watched as Loki stood with his arms neatly behind his back while his eyes glanced all over the room but not at him

"Loki, where's the goat?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow

"Well, that's the thing...I may have lost it."

"You lost the goat? Go look around, it's got to be somewhere. I'm not helping you find it."

"I already looked everywhere, I can't find him, there's a lot of places to hide in the TVA, it's rather impractical actually." Loki noted

"You had one job, that's all, just don't lose it. How did you even lose it?" Mobius asked, standing from his seat and walking past Loki towards the door

"Well you see, I thought he was asleep so I decided to take a nap for a few minutes after our work today, but when I woke up it was gone." Loki explained, quickly following behind the man.

Suddenly there was a scream from nearby, evidently not from pain but most likely fear, so the two quickly rushed into the room it came from where the TVA workers were all stood around looking confused and some scared.

Loki quickly walked over to where everyone was looking, finding Moby chewing on someone's shoe which must have been kicked off in fear or thrown. He reached down to grab it but it ran beneath the desk and around the room, the crazy looking God chasing after it while Mobius watched in defeat while also hiding the urge to laugh.

"Gotcha!" Loki finally grinned as he held the goat up while it still had a chewed up shoe hanging from its mouth.

"That my shoe!" Casey frowned from his desk, so Loki tried pulling it from the goat and ended in a tug of war to see who would get the shoe, eventually Loki pulled it from the animals teeth and threw it over to Casey.

Loki carried it back over to Mobius while gently petting it
"You need to get rid of that thing." Mobius huffed

"What? No way. And would you please stop calling him 'thing'? It's insulting, he has a name." Loki furrowed his eyebrows together as they left the room once again

"I'm not calling a goat 'Moby', it's stupid, it's just a goat."


Loki entered the lunch room with his own food, walking over to the table close to the back and sitting down in the seat across from Mobius who was sat petting the goat who was peacefully sleeping in his lap

"Finally, I'm starving. How's Moby doing?" He smiled, grabbing out his sandwich from the brown paper bag.

"He's healthy, his horns are starting to grow a lot more and he's not terrifying the workers now, they've grown quite fond of him actually" Mobius hummed from his seat, only looking up at Loki for a moment though Loki spotted the soft smile on the mans lips.

"Just a few days ago you said he was just a goat, where did that attitude go?" Loki snickered though he enjoyed watching Mobius happily feeding the goat with part of his own salad.

"That was when he was chewing up shoes and running around carelessly, but now he's calmer and doesn't run away when I'm not watching him." Mobius shrugged his shoulders as Loki rested his head on his hand, staring at the two lovingly

"You're both too cute." Loki grinned, stupidly in love.

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