The Jetski date

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"Can I open my eyes now?" Mobius asked as he stood with his eyes shut, unaware of where he was

"Yes!" You could hear the grin from Loki as he spoke, he had been exited all day for whatever this was.

Mobius opened his eyes and looked around for a moment, they were stood on a pier in front of the sea and as his eyes adjusted, he noticed something.

In front of the two in the water was a Jetski, and as he turned to look at Loki who's arms were exaggeratedly pointing to it, Mobius saw just how happy the God was.

"You always talked about how much you wanted to ride a Jetski, so I rented one for us as our first real date!" Loki explained

"You remembered that?"

"Of course I did" they both turned when a woman walked up to the two in a full wetsuit

"Hi, you're Loki?" She asked with a polite smile

"Yes, and this is Mobius"

"Well it's nice to meet you two, I'll be your instructor and I'll be teaching you the basics of how to ride a Jetski. But first you'll need to change into more suitable swimwear"

"Right, I brought some for us so we'll be right back" and with that they went to the changing rooms and Loki gave Mobius the clothes from his bag.

Once they got back in Shorts and Mobius, a shirt, while Loki had opted to go without one, they spent the next thirty minutes watching the instructor and learning the basics of how to ride a Jetski.


It was finally time for them to get on one, so Mobius was first on as he would be driving, then Loki got on behind him.

"After all these years wanting to ride one, it feels weird actually being on one" Mobius chuckled

"But it feels exiting too right? This is what you've wanted for so long and you finally have it" Loki grinned as he had been doing the entire time, though he wasn't exited because he wanted to do it, but he was exited for Mobius to finally do it.

"Of course it does, I still can't believe you did this"

"Well I love you and if it means you're happy, I'll do anything. Now drive"

Mobius chuckled but said nothing more as he started to take off away from the pier, Loki's arms tightly wrapped around his waist as the two laughed and enjoyed finally riding a Jetski.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 ⏰

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