Sick day

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Waking up early in the morning, Mobius glanced down to the warmth around his torso, smiling softly as he saw the dark haired boy laying with his arms around his waist and his head resting against his chest.

Slowly, he raised his hand to pet Loki's hair, watching as the God leaned back into it

"Morning Mobi." Loki mumbled tiredly, turning his head to stare up at him.

"Morning Loki, how long have you been awake for?" He questioned, his hand still idly playing with Loki's hair

"Like an hour, I'm not feeling great so I couldn't sleep."

"Not feeling great? Are you ill?" Mobius asked, concerned, resting his hand on Loki's forehead to see if he was heating up, and he was.

"A God does not get ill, only mortals can." Loki frowned though allowed Mobius to feel his temperature

"Right, well would you like a glass of water? Maybe a nice bath to help?" As Mobius spoke, Loki slowly rolled over onto his back and with a sigh, nodded

"A bath would be nice."


Loki sat on his bed, a blanket wrapped around his body as his damp hair was tied back in a manbun to keep it out of his face.

Mobius walked over to the bed, sitting down in front of Loki and holding up a spoon covered with medicine a guard had gotten for him.

"Open wide." Mobius slipped the medicine past Loki's lips as he opened them, letting him slurp it from the spoon.

"Are you feeling any better?" Mobius asked as he picked up the glass of water from the bedside table, handing it to Loki

"A little, thank you Mobius." He nodded as he took a few sips of the water before handing it back to Mobius to put it back down.

"Why don't you rest for awhile? You'll feel better later." Mobius suggested

"But what about work? I can't just sleep in all day"

"I'll let Ravonna know you're ill, it's only one day, it'll be fine." Mobius assured Loki, reaching over to gently pull the hair tie from Loki's hair, lightly brushing it away from his face

"But I want to stay with you." Loki looked at him with puppy eyes as Mobius chuckled gently

"Don't worry, I'll take the day off too. I'm Ravonna's favourite analyst so she'll be fine with it."

"Alright then, just hurry up, this blanket isn't keeping me warm enough." Loki complained, even if he wasn't really cold but he just wanted Mobius. He watched as he stood from the bed

"I'll warm you up when I get back and we can just have a day to ourselves without worrying about the TVA, I promise, I won't be long." And with that, Mobius left.


As he entered the room once again, Mobius found Loki curled up on the bed, peacefully sleeping with the blanket around him.

Smiling, Mobius walked over and slipped onto the bed besides him and instantly Loki's arms were around him, moving up close to his side and nuzzling his head into his shoulder

Mobius couldn't help but think about how calm Loki looked when he was sleeping, for the God of Mischief that is.

Contently, Mobius draped an arm over Loki's side and held him close, closing his eyes and resting his head on top of Loki's.

"I love you" he whispered quietly

"Love you too, Mobi" Loki muttered, half asleep and totally in love.

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