Game Night

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Mako was strolling through the aisle, his eyes traveling through different products and briefly looking at the prices. He would often try to find sales the store would sometimes have, but they were usually hidden and so he would have to be observant.

He took a glanced at his list, 'I should make sure to get the flour for the pancakes I promised Bolin'. Mako walked into the aisle with his basket in hand looking for an all-purpose flour. His vision then looked upon a pregnant woman who seems to be having trouble reaching for some flour herself, Mako in an instant helped her by grabing the item, "It's okay, I got it." he said, giving her what she wanted from the start.

The woman smiled "Thanks, I was really struggling," she admited. Mako observed, al though pregnant she still managed to take care of herself all by herself no problem. She had green eyes almost as identical to Bolins eye color. "Pregnancy is getting tougher and tougher."

A little smile escaped from Mako, "Just wait until the baby is born." he joked, earning a giggle

"Don't get me started-"

Out of nowhere a small girl appeared beside Mako staring him from the bottom up curiously. Her keen grey eyes caught with his amber eyes. A hint of red was spread across her cheeks as she quickly looked away.
"Who is he?" She asked.

"I'm Mako" he introduced himself scratching the back of his neck. The older women giggle at his reaction
"It's nice to meet you Mako, I'am Pema and she is Ikki." She smiled towards warmly towards the boy.

Ikki then started to pull on her dress, "Can we go now!" She said "I found what i wanted."

"Ikki!" She quickly corrected. Pema gaze then was at the firebender "sorry about that," she apologized, " i have to go but it was nice meeting you"

"It was nice meeting you too." Mako said before both parted in different directions. Mako checked his list along with his current budget. Guess today is our lucky day. Finally life is giving me a break. Mako mentally sighed before he continued until he heard two people arguing.

If he was honest, he would have ignored it and continue his life,but he recognized the second voice as the kind lady from before. He told himself to ignore and keep going forward, he had too many things on his mind, but it was like some mysterious force was preventing him to do so. "Screw it."

He walked through a couple of aisles, trying his hardest to keep it together. He would always avoid conflict if possible, but sometimes it is just inevitable. His presence was unnoticed as he stood in front of two angry adults. On one side there was Pema, and on the other was a man in his mid thirties arguing. Mako immediately intervened by standing face to face to the man glaring at him intently.
  "Is there a problem?" Mako's asked in a firm voice.

A thin, dark-haired man in his mid thirties was starring mako, noticing his age he scoffed in response. "Walk away kid, this doesn't involve you."
  He attempted to walked passed him but Mako wouldn't budge, gripping his arm tightly.

"He's just mad that I got the last toy!" Ikki sticks her tongue to the man. Mako's grip loosened, pushing him back "All this for a stupid toy," Mako spat. "You're a grown man fighting a kid for a toy you can get somewhere else. Now leave them alone."

  "Or else?" He challenged

A flame ignited in his fist. although it was small, it was to get the point across. The man looked unimpressed, to the point that he wouldn't care if he gets burned.
  "You bender's think you control the world with your gifts, and it has been like this decades ago," the man later turned around and as he was about to leave, "just wait until Amon comes." Was all he said and left.

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