The Blue Spirit

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Mako POV

Beads of sweat were dripping down my forehead onto the concrete floor, slowly turning into rubble. A sledgehammer that destroyed everything under it.
An abandoned warehouse that I used to always be at when I was a kid. Iroh and I would do everything here.

I called him earlier that night.

"Hello?" His voice was groggily and sluggish. He was definitely not a night owl.

"Iroh, it's Mako. I need to know if the mask is still there the last time we left it?" I said, going straight to the point.

"Mako? Why are you calling me at this time?"

I rolled my eyes "It's not that late,"
"Just tell me if it's there or not."

"It should be. Why?" I let a sigh of relief knowing it's still there.

"Don't worry about it ."

"Don't do anything rash Mako. I'll be back in three days, just wait and maybe I can help."

"I don't have much time. Have a safe trip." Was the last thing I said before instantly placing the phone head in in its place running out of the telephone booth.


I threw the sledgehammer on the side, clearing the remaining rubble. I started at the wooden box, still breathing heavy, my hand caressed the engraving's until  pulling the box out and inside my bag.

Needed to make a final stop at my apartment. Maybe the news haven't spread yet, in that case I had to keep Bolin in the dark. No one can know what I'am about to do... But some my not even care and would maybe prefer my death.


"I...I tried to fight, I never wanted them to take her."

After the invasion Tenzin and Pema came in as soon as possible, taking only about a few minutes. Pema broke down while tenzin tried to reassure her. Shortly after the Republic City police came in, and a very hostile Avatar.

Her eyes turned red after seeing me. And immediately confronted me, taking me to the back far where the police was investigating.
  "You claim the a group of bending thug's came in, and I don't see much of a aftermath that shows me that you put on a fight."

"You're saying that I would just let them take her?" My voice became more severe.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you did," she spat, looking at me as of I where scum. "you're a selfish bastard that's only looking for himself."

Was that really how she viewed me? I was left with no words. Clenching my jaw, I breath in deep. Maybe I was scum, but that doesn't mean that that I would leave a girl in the hands of THEM.

"I have to go." I said. Looking away from the daggers the Avatar was sending me as I was walking away.

"Of course you're leaving." She scoffed.

As I was leaving I ignored the dirty looks most of the police gave me. And at the end of it all there she stood...Officer Beifong. I rolled my eyes as I arrived where Pema was crying, her husband by her side.

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