Upon the throne

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Legolas leads his horse ahead of Tauriel towards a shallow pond with crystal clear waters. The horses dip their heads into the liquid and gulp down the drink.

Rubbing her horse's mane, Tauriel looks warily around her, being cautious of what may linger in the weeds that reach her hips. Rustles arise a little way behind her, she whips around an arrow instantly loaded in her bow.

"Who goes there?" Tauriel shouts, scanning the tall grass for life forms. A figure rises from the pasture, their arms raised high.

"I am unarmed!" Yells a delicate voice, one belonging to a young soul.

Legolas instantly recognises what the child is wearing, it is the same material that the mountain elf was wearing. "Do you know of Rimdes?" he shouts at the slowly approaching stranger.

They nod, piercing green eyes being revealed from under the familiar hood. Legolas withdraws both of his daggers as the foreigner lowers their hood, revealing a soft eleven face of a young girl; her hair a beautiful chestnut and her cheeks as dirtied as the ground they stood upon.

"Do you have any company?" Tauriel asks, glancing around her, her eyes like a hawk.

The girl gives a small shake of her head before saying, "They're after me."

"Who?" Tauriel and Legolas say in perfect union.

The young one in front of them shifts awkwardly, lowering her hands, "My companions. They turned on me days ago and I daren't return to my mountain home in fear that they have already housed there and Rimdes is to turn on me too."

Legolas and Tauriel exchange their constant worried look, seeing the genuine look of fear in the child's eyes. "What is your name, young one?" Legolas asks.

"Arassien," replies the young elf, smiling up at her two defendants as the gap closes between them.

The horses are finished drinking up the precious water and nibble nervously on the long grass as Legolas and Tauriel mount them, Arassien following Tauriel onto the back of her mare. As the day passes the half way mark, the two horses and their three occupants spur off towards the distant gates of Rivendell.

All it takes is a few hours for the elves to cross the wide meadow before they are confronted with the grace of the Elven city. The beauty of its waterfalls and engraved arches dazzle the eyes of elves who had only seen the woodland and mountains in their lifetime.

As they slow their horses, and the sound of hooves again soft soil and legs again tall grass fades and the graceful songs of Elven kind drifts into their ears. The soothing sounds do nothing but sooth the elves when they approach the entrance of Rivendell.

"What is your purpose here?" speaks a guard boldly when the small company seek access to the city.

Legolas confidently speaks up, "I am here to seek the assistance of your Lord Elrond," the two guards glance up, a face of disgust upon both of them, "I am Legolas, Son of Thranduil and Prince of Mirkwood."

With the few words of authority, the guards twitch and return to their original stance, "Pass through whenever you wish."

The three ride on for a very short while above the waters deep below them before they are greeted by an elf barely a few hundred years older than Tauriel and Legolas. "Na vedui, Legolas, we have been awaiting you for some time," the elf speaks.

"I expect Lord Elrond received my message?" Legolas says, climbing off his horse, someone instantly leading it away, in safe hands.

The elf's eyes trail off towards Tauriel and Arassien as he speaks, "Oh, yes. He alerted his councellers of the matter straight away but we had nothing to discuss, as you never told us what you wished to visit here for."

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