Chapter 6: Sudden Member

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The Student Council is a 7 member group that specializes in helping students and arranging school affairs.

They are responsible for the title of the school and are known to be prim and proper students.

They work as one to make sure that the school is run properly and that everything is organized.

Well there is one member everyone has forgot.

A member that joined not to long ago.

A beta that—



A lonesome beta that was the backbone of Student Councils fashion sense.

Xu Mi- 


The Student council along with the married couple and Junhui all looked up as a strong gush of wind brush past them.

"What in the-" Seungcheol immediately looked up after the cupcake in his hand flew flying to Mingyu's face.

He looked at the younger with a nervous face "oops" he said before putting his attention on the flying vehicle above them, other students also looked up to the sky as they noticed a rope hanging from the black helicopter  wearing Gucci glasses.

"Oh no" Seungcheol said once he saw the golden 8 sign on the tail of the helicopter.

A symbol of power, riches, gold, the symbol that represents the pride of China, a family known from centuries of business and impact, the fashion icons that represented the beauty and culture of their homeland, the family known to mankind as the one who changed the fashion world.

And this man whose wearing a full Hermes suit, who wears Luis Vuitton to bed, and once tie dyed a Channel shirt because he was bored, is the only son of the most influential family in East Asia.

"I thought he wasn't back until "december?" Seungcheol looked at Mingyu who was wiping off the cupcake frosting from his face.

Mingyu squinted his eyes as he saw the face of the man he once force fed crayons with, his eyes widen as he threw the cupcake to the side which unfortunately landed on Hansol's face.

"That bitch!" he hissed as he stood up.

Minghao seemed to notice the taller stand up as a smirk appeared from his face.

"Gyu my sweet gyu!" He said as he swung around the rope which caused a round of gasps and chatter from the students.

What bimbo would swing around a 12ft rope 50 meters from the ground.

This one apparently.

And this one just jumped.

A series of gasps escaped the mouths of the students of St. Kim's as they watched the said bimbo jump and seconds later open a parachute from his backpack.

Another series of sighs left the students as they watched Minghao land on the table of the Student Council.

"What brings you to korea?" Mingyu asked crossing his arms.

Minghao chuckled as he removed the Gucci shades dropping it on Jeonghan's milkshake.

The older gave a 'what the f*ck' look "Why my milkshake?" he asked.

Minghao looked at him before grabbing the shake and sipping it. "It was last season" he reasoned.

Jeonghan looked at Seungcheol who chuckled "You can't argue with that" he said.

St. Kim's AcademyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora