Chapter I

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I work for a secret government agency as a Demon Hunter. A Demon Hunter, as you would've guessed, is someone who searches for creatures that came from the fiery pits of Hell, and keeps them from coming to the surface, making sure they won't cause any damage to anything or anyone. Sounds like a shitty job to have, but I don't care. As long as I do the job the cash is good, it'll turn out real damn impressive. And I'll tell ya, I'm the best Demon Hunter in the business.

Today, I received a call from the agency. A deadly threat has been discovered at a deserted area.


I asked for the name and exact location, and hopped in my vehicle -- a GMC custom van. I eventually wound up at a drab and colorless field of tall, dry grass. The sun was bright, but it doesn't feel hot at all. I started wandering around in the field but I couldn't see much of anything because of the tall grass.

So where exactly is this damn creature I'm supposed to be looking for?

Eventually I did find what I assumed to be the place I'm supposed to be at. It was an old, weather-beaten, rundown shack. The windows were shattered and the roof had some large holes in it. Its wooden walls were torn and broken. At first glance, it appeared to be abandoned. But from previous experiences, I knew better than that, and that there was a chance of some sort of activity here. And no I don't mean rats or insects or whatever. It's the reason they hired me for this job in the first place.

Fucking demons of course.

I tried to open the door, but once I grabbed the knob, it popped right off and so did the rusty hinges. Then the door came crashing down in a cloud of dust.

That was easy.

I went inside cautiously. It was completely dark, so I pulled out a flashlight to get a better view of the interior.

As I had expected, it looked just as shitty as the exterior. Spider webs covered much of the ceiling. The walls were moldy, dirty, and slowly rotting away. Pieces of wood, glass, and other shit was strewn around on the floor.

I started to search the shack, stepping on some broken glass, but I didn't care if I felt pain or not. What I do feel was that a dangerous presence was occupying this house, but so far I couldn't find it.

After a short while I entered one of the bedrooms and then made what turned out to be a horrific discovery.

It was the corpse of a dead woman sitting next to a wall in a pool of her own blood. Her entire body was mangled and mauled. What appeared to be large bites had exposed some of her muscle, and in some parts, bites were far enough down to expose her skeleton. Some of her bones had also been ripped out. The back of her head was exposed, revealing a bloody skull. Half of her face was gone, with one of the eyes dangling out of its socket. There was not much left of her hair, just a few strands.

You'd think I would freak out like a little bitch at the sight, but I've seen many scenes like this before, so it doesn't really faze me. My main worry was what kind of demon would cause something like this.

I studied the bites on the body. They looked similar to the ones that are typical for canines. That was when I realized what I'm dealing with here.

Then, all of the sudden, I had the distinct feeling that something was approaching me. I heard snarling and smelled the repugnant stench of sulfur in the air. I quickly turned around and stared at the repulsive beast standing right in front of me.

A hellhound.

These ass-holes are some of the worst types of Hell creatures I come face to face with. And the one I am looking at now is certainly just as disgusting as the rest.

It resembled an angry wolf. Its fur was a burgundy color, while its snout, stomach, and paws were a pale orange. Its eyes were bright and golden with red irises. Its tail was bushy and dark brown. Its only attire was a black vest and a spiky collar. Hellhounds are mostly quadrupedal, like regular canines, but they sometimes stand on two legs in a hunched stance. Which is what this one is doing right now.

The creature roared loudly in my face. Drools flew out of its jaws. Thankfully, I cover my entire face with a scarf and glasses, so they didn't hit my eyes or something like that.

The hellhound then began to attack. It swings its paws at me, but I was able to dodge them every time. Then it snapped its jaws but I quickly back away. I gave it a swift blow to the nose which made the hellhound vulnerable for me to attack.

I pulled out a fighting stick from my coat and smacked the bastard over its head. It tried swinging its paws again, but I was able to fend it off and then finally beat the shit out of it with my stick.

Smacks to the face.

Blasts to the shoulders.

Pounds to the stomach.

The hellhound did manage to land some blows, slicing its claws through my shoulder in the process. But a little scratch like that wouldn't stop me. I pounded it a couple more times right in the face, before finally kicking the canine to the ground.

I then put away my stick and pulled out my trusty combat knife, which had a long, serrated blade. I walk over to the hellhound and grab it by the throat. Its paws flail everywhere helplessly. I then plant the knife into its eye. The creature roared in pain as I pull out the knife. Blood oozes out of its socket. I then stick the knife into its mouth. Its voice gargles as blood sprays out of its throat. Finally I slice open its chest and rip out its heart. The hellhound still screams. Once I crush its heart, the canine finally dies. But just for good measure, I grab onto its jaws and split its head horizontally.

Another job well done.

I get up, grab the canine's tail, and drag its body out of the shack, leaving behind a trail of blood. Once I'm outside, I get another call. The agency tells me they found more demon activity at yet another area.

Great. More ass-holes for me to kill.

I shove the hellhound's body into the back of my van, and I drive off to my next assignment.

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