Chapter II

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The next location I headed to was a local bar. Through the windows, I could make out dozens of flashing lights. Once I got out of my van, I heard laughing, loud rock music, crashes of glass breaking, and furniture being tossed around. I could already tell that the creature(s) I'll be dealing with here would be even worse than the hellhound.

As I made my way to the entrance from the parking lot, a young lady, probably around her 20s, came walking out the door. From her outfit I assumed she was the bartender. She looked like she had a rough time in there. Breathing heavily, her hair all messed up, and her clothes stained. She looked at me, and asked:

"Are you from the FBI?"

I'm not much of a talker, so I simply shook my head no.

She studied my appearance, trying to figure out who I'm supposed to be. My Kevlar-lined coat, aviator glasses, scarf, and my fedora, all that doesn't really tell her shit. Finally, she said:

"Well whoever you are, you gotta help. There's these... creatures inside there, trashing the whole place."


That means there's got to be more than one type of demon in there I had to face.

But what the hell? I've dealt with an army of gargoyles one time, so I'm sure I can handle whatever's thrashing the place.

The problem was, what kind of demons are they?

The bartender ushered me back to the bar, but we didn't go inside yet. Carefully, making sure we weren't seen, we peeked through the window. That was when I realized what was going on in there.


Lots and lots of imps.

Hellhounds may be a pain in the ass, but imps are way worse.

They're around 2 feet tall. Their bodies are scrawny and thin. Their amphibian-like skin come in three different colors. Green, red, and yellow. Their eyes are red with glowing orange pupils. Their ears are pointy. Their hands have sharp yellow nails. Their only form of clothing is a simple brown vest. The males have bald heads with black and white striped horns on them, while the females have either curly, or messy hair, with somewhat shorter horns.

What's different about these guys is that they're not as menacing or evil as other demons I'm familiar with.

They're just mischievous and obnoxious little fuckers.

And what they are doing in this bar is exactly what they always do. Misbehaving.

They're throwing shit around the place and at each other. Some are drinking the alcohol, getting completely wasted. A lot of them are smoking multiple cigarettes at once, stinking up the bar. A couple of the females are stripping on top of the counters. And some are just being down-right gross, either sneezing on each other, tossing away their food, or eating human customers that didn't manage to escape, some of which looked like they had been eaten alive.

"Do you think you can take care of those things?" The bartender asked me. Like I said before, I can't stand imps. But whatever, I have to give them a can of whoop-ass anyways. I gave the lady a nod, walked towards the entrance, and kicked the door open. The chaos inside immediately stopped. All the imps went silent.

It was a rather awkward moment. I was just standing there with the imps staring at me with confused and shocked faces. But I don't give a shit if it's awkward or not. I just have to kill these bastards and that's the end of it.

One of the imps finally makes a move. Jumping on a table and leaping at me. But I pull out my combat knife and threw it at the little shit, sending it flying across the room and crashing into a jukebox, making it play rock music again.

The imps immediately go mad, beginning to attack. I pull out another of my tried and true weapons, a sawed-off 12-gauge shotgun, and fire at them every time they leap, jump, run, or do any other move, making them explode in blood and organs.

When my firearm eventually ran out of shells, I ran towards the imp that died on top of the jukebox and retrieved my knife. Then I started chopping the rest of the imps to pieces.

Cutting their limbs off.

Decapitating them.

Gouging their eyes.

Slicing their stomachs open.

I was just creating a bloodbath at this point.

Eventually I finished slaughtering these dick-heads. It was a lot of hard work, but it was definitely worth it.

After all the noise and commotion had subsided, the bartender peeked through the door, looking in amazement at all the corpses that had piled up around the bar. She looked rather astonished. She couldn't believe that I had made this mess all by myself.

"Wow. I cannot thank you enough." She told me. I don't really care that much for the admiration of my work. I just do it, get the cash, and that was it. But even then, it was nice the lady thanked me for it.

While all seems well at first, the lady suddenly gets pulled by the hair to the ground. It was a burly-ass looking imp.

Shit. I didn't kill all of them.

The imp quickly dragged the screaming lady out of the bar, laughing. I followed after them, knife in hand. The imp was too fast, dragging the lady like it was the Flash or something like that. In a last ditch effort, I threw the knife at the husky bastard, stabbing it though the head, finally ended the charade. I then walked over to its body and stomped on it a million times, turning the imp into a pancake of guts and blood.

I then helped the lady back up. She quickly regained composure, and exclaimed:

"Thanks. By the way, is there anything I can repay you with?"

I don't often take favors for my duties, but considering the amount of creatures I've faced in there, might as well ask for a little help. I went to the van and pulled out several trash bags and gave one to the lady.

"You can help me clean up the mess in there." I told her.

Even though she had a somewhat disgusted look on her face, she agreed to help anyways. We went back inside the bar, stuffed all the imp bodies in the bags along with some of the broken bottles and furniture, and wiped the blood and food stains off the floor and walls. By the time we were done, the bar looked nice and clean again.

I shoved the bags of imp carcasses in the back of my van, and as I was about to leave, I got another call. The agency told me more shit is going down at a few more locations. Three to be exact.


I couldn't imagine what other fuck-faces I have to face now.

But whatever. I ask the names of the locations, said to the lady good-bye, and drove off.

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