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XXXII .. mercedes boy

"ITS SO TINY!" chrissy smiled as she stared at the sonogram. "i could just hold it in my hand. oh, i can't believe that's my niece, or nephew."

"what are you and johnny hoping for?" jenna smiled as she sat back down on the love seat. "a boy or a girl?"

"whatever it is, it's our kiddo and we'll love him or her very much." bella smiled as she laid on the couch, eating grapes. "but, i think it's a boy and johnny's convinced it's a girl."

"i think it's a boy." jenna said as she took some grapes from bella's bowl.

"i'm gonna say something i might regret later; but i agree with johnny and say that it's a girl." chrissy said as she grabbed a beer and opened it up. "speaking of, i got his last beer."

"oh shit, i totally forgot!" bella said as she sat up and looked down at her watch. "it's my turn to go grocery shopping, you girls wanna come with?"

chrissy and jenna nodded in unison as the three girls headed out the door. bella grabbed the keys to her mercedes as she carefully walked down the stairs. as she started the car, a weird noise alarmed the girls. "what the hell was that?" chrissy said.

"it sounded like it was coming from the hood." bella said as she turned the car off and stepped out of the car. as she examined the hood, she found out that it had something to do with the engine. "fuck. it's the transmission."

"what? it's fried?" chrissy said as she got out of the car as well.

"no, but it's fucked up, if not it wouldn't have made that sound." bella sighed as she ran a hand through her hair. "chris, we're gonna have to take your car. i'll have johnny look at it once he gets home."

"he can finally put whatever he learned in mechanics to work." chrissy teased as she grabbed the keys to her '88 mustang.

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"i don't see anything wrong with it." johnny said as he examined the hood, trying to find the issue. "are you sure you heard a noise? because that's exactly what happened last time and there was nothing wrong with it."

"you can ask chris and jen. they heard it too." bella said as she tied her hair back into a ponytail.

"isabella, your car is fine." johnny sighed as he placed his ray-bans back on and stood in front of bella.

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