Chapter 2

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Authors note; I haven't updated in a while. This chapter is not edited as I wrote it on my phone, I apologize beforehand if there are any grammatical errors.

Elena was serving the table when Aaliyah had entered, they exchanged greetings and soon after Elena resumed to the kitchen to get more food. A week has passed and Aaliyah's excitement of this place was slowly dying for each day. The only good outcome was the free time she had, away from Ali.

For some reason Ali had been awfully busy with phone calls and different meetings with god knows whom. She didn't care enough to even dig deeper and find out what the fuss was all about. Since the time of the incident with her husband she avoided him as much as possible, she left early and she slept early . She missed home, her family, and her friends. She had called them several times, and every time she heard familiar voices her mood went up. Despite the fact that she was on a trip, an island at that, she felt down. A feeling she's been familiar with for the past few years.

Elena came back with two other younger maids, and they each smiled and put the food on the table. Aaliyah turned looking at the stairs, where was Ali she asked herself. After she waited for fifteen minutes she took her own plate to eat, but heard footsteps from behind her. "How disrespectful of you to eat before me, such manners"

"I waited long enough." She said her voice low. He glared at her his mouth twitching. "You useless thing of a woman"

No effect.

His insults were always the same, they hurt once upon a time but not anymore. Just like the bacteria learns to become immune to it's antibiotic, she grew immune to his insults. Sometimes she asked herself why she even puts up with him, a divorce would suffice. But her family, her mothers bills and her brothers university would be a consequence. They needed him, and they needed her.

And the fact that she knew nobody would even want her, albeit she didn't mind living on her own.

They ate in silence as the only sounds were the clicking of forks and the ticking of the clock. It would be an awkward silence if it weren't for the numerous occasions this occurred. She grew custom to this, silent breakfast, lunch and dinners. Silent nights, oh how painful times they've spent together. His phone rang, and he picked it up. "Yes I will be there, doctor Bryan will be arriving soon."

Doctor Bryan? She asked herself, wasn't that.."What is dr Bryan going to be doing here?" She asked her eyes round. That doc was the same man who had inspected her twice, and informed her of her condition. A man who was as cold as Ali, the mere thought of him chilled her bones.

He looked up his fork on his hand, he lowered it down rather harshly and the noise made her jerk automatically. He chewed on his food and swallowed. "Some business, he is going to help me with something." He picked up his cup and gulped the whole milk and stood up forcefully his chair falling behind.

He walked to the door and opened it, he looked back whilst putting on his jacket, "I'll be late tonight, don't be expecting me"

Aaliyah nodded not minding it at all. She picked up the plates and took them to the kitchen.

"Elena breakfast was ama-"

A stressed Elena emerged from a smaller room shaking her head, her green eyes wide "Signore no, no what are you doing" she took the plates and placed them on the nearest kitchen table. "It is my duty to-"

Aaliyah smiled placing a hand on her shoulder, "Thank you for the breakfast Elena, did you make it alone"

Elena blushed, " No, but Rosa and Maria helped me as well"

"Ah is that so, well you three must teach me. Italian food is indeed delicious.

Elena nodded happily, her eyes glowing. Aaliyah's smile faded and she sat down on the nearest chair. "Signore, you seem distressed, is something at fault." Elena asked softly sitting beside her. How can Aaliyah even answer that question, a lot was at fault. For example five years of marriage was at fault, her husband, her mother, she herself were at fault. And her precious bracelet she'd lost. How was she to answer a question like that, and not expect pity reflecting back at her eyes. No she thought, i will stay strong. There are people who suffer more, kids who don't get food. Mothers who lose their children. And that instantly increased her faith.

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