Chapter 2

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A/N: thanks to casperkitten100 for the new cover.

I gulped as I approached the faction bowls. My friends had all picked Dauntless. And now it was my turn. Marcus Eaton offered me the knife but instead of taking it, I pulled a pocket knife out and cut my hand with that. I let my blood fall onto the hot coals and then I ran back down to dauntless. Logan patted me on the back and Jess and Jenna both gave me one armed huggs. We watched the rest of the ceremony in silence and that's when I knew something was up.

As a group we'd always be quite loud. Weather it was me and Logan laughing, Jess shouting at the younger kids or Jenna singing, we'd always be making some sort of noise. But now the silence between us was very eerie.

After the ceremony had finished we all ran to the train platform and jumped on, not knowing what dangers awaited us.

A/N: I know it's short but I needed to update.

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