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•||Steamy Edges||•

||• Take My Heart •||

The sound of silence engulfed Gon’s body, who sat and admired the whole existence. It’s been tarnished badly by humans’ destruction. And to return the world’s beauty, Gon knew sacrifices might be lying ahead. His elbows rested on his knees, trying to fight the cold longer, but his body was itchy from the lack of warm clothing. He was relying on his eyes most of the time, trying to rest his ear from overuse and focus.

An instant of peace was finally interrupted by a soft swishing sound of the pressed grass. He didn’t turn although he should be on the lookout. Deep down he knew who was coming closer, and his thoughts were confirmed when the familiar voice that he adored had risen into his functional ear; his voice spreads like an oasis of serenity amidst the havoc, and oh how much Gon loves to hear it. “Tired?” it didn’t last for a second, Killua’s voice, but it was enough to be followed by the pricking silence. 

Gon looked up and smiled at Killua’s presence. He patted the space next to him, so Killua joined. “Not really. Just trying not to overfocus on my hearing.” Said Gon. He looked at Killua as he got closer to him in their sitting positions. “So, why aren’t you asleep?” Once Killua had settled in his sitting position, Gon questioned. 

“Well, I couldn’t. I figured it would be better for me to sit with you instead of tossing and turning without avail.” Killua replied during his shifting again. He hugged his legs and rested his head atop his knees.

“But you need rest.”

“I’ll go to sleep when Illumi comes. It’s like an hour left or something…” 

Subsequently, Gon succumbed to Killua's persistence, so he looked back at the dark trees. "Alright, you can stay. What should we talk about?" He asked, and he was quite curious to know more about Killua. His hand engulfed the grass below to lean down slightly, so his head could look up at the stars.

"Well, I want to know more about you," And so, Killua confessed, putting a strand behind his ear and fixating his gaze on the trees as well. Gon didn't bother him, but he felt warm that Killua was interested. "So, I belong to a very wealthy family, but it is not the idealist family. I've had fights with them because they wanted to meddle in my life and university major. In the end, they won, and I went to study medical studies at the University of Savil." Killua shrugged, but the little confession startled Gon, so he turned to Killua curiously. "At least, I got to choose to go to Savil and stay away from their toxicity for a while." Killua started talking about himself, which would let Gon be encouraged to talk too. However, Gon was highly curious about Killua’s topic that he had no intention to talk about himself yet.

"So you didn't like your major." Gon mumbled, and Killua nodded simply after. "What did you wanna major in?" As curious as he could be, Gon tilted his head slightly to the right, he admired Killua stealthily, and so Killua did to him secretly — because no one could look away when such glimmering hazels are looking at him curiously, and that reflective auburn black hair to sway intelligibly. Gon was perfect, and so was Killua to him. 

"I'm not sure honestly. I had no time to decide, that's why I submitted to them. However, my skills were all directed to Fine Arts." Killua looked at the sky with a little smile. "I still can make any art I want without a degree. Probably, when the apocalypse ends, I will paint some bloody pictures for the next generation to see how the apocalypse was and all. If there are any next generations, and so on…"

"I like how you're very optimistic, but then you turn a tad bit pessimistic. That's kinda cute." Gon admitted, slipping a smile to his lips. He leaned towards Killua for a bit, brushing their shoulders playfully before straightening. The minuscule reaction slipped a smile into Killua's.

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