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Taehyung's POV

"Damn he's gorgeous" was the first thought that comes to my mind when I saw the new barista. We are about the same height. I've never seen someone with such perfect complexion and those lips.. Omg. It's to die for.

After our shift ended, went out to smoke and saw Jungkook walking out so I decided to walk with him.

"Hey going home?"

"Yeah why?" Jungkook replied, avoiding eye contact

(What is up with him? Why can't he look me straight in the eye?)

"Wanna hang out? Dinner or something? There's a mall right ahead"

"Erm.. Yeah. I don't mind. Lead the way man"

So we hung out, it wasn't as bad, I got to know him better as a person, surprisingly we clicked off pretty well till the point we decided to go home.

Without realizing, it's almost midnight.

"Crap! I should be home now!" Jungkook panicked.

"Woah chill! Strict parents?"

"Nono they are out of town but I mean, there's work tomorrow. I'm usually asleep by now"

"You're home alone? How about you stay over at my place? It's late and my chauffeur is picking me up so yeah"

Jungkook looked at me, surprised.

"What? Something wrong?"

"Nah I mean it's cool, to have a personal driver"

"So it's set, you're staying over at my place!"

Minutes later, my chauffeur came and we make our way back. During the ride, i was telling Jungkook to make himself feel comfortable over at my house.

Before we alight, I look playfully in his eyes and said, "Oh just so you know, I hope you don't mind us sharing the same bed"

"... What? But.."

"Too late, Jungkook. You're already here"

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