What they do for Christmas

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Masari- Masa isn't very invested in Christmas, but he'll put on a smile and have some fun for Tari's sake. Tari is, for some reason, obsessed with decorations and will NEVER take second place. She makes sure their house is the brightest on the block. Tari attempts to make cookies, but she's kinda bad at it. Masa isn't good at it either, but it's the effort that counts.

Somar- Absolute chaos. Sofia will put on super loud music and sing along (she is incredibly off-tune). Lamar has a part time side gig as a DJ, so he's always throwing insane Christmas parties in their backyard that have caused the neighbors to call the police on them numerous times.

Bellcinia- Belle actually gets super sappy around this time of year. It's like all her sassiness just evaporates. Lucinia makes cookies (unlike Masa and Tari's, they're insanely delicious). The two cuddle up on the couch and watch movies.

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