When their partner is sick/injured

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Masari- Masa may seem edgy and grumpy sometimes, but when it comes to Tari, he's really just a big softie. Masa will spoil Tari like a toddler. He neglects all care for himself in favor of making her feel better. He'll sometimes stay up all night to make sure she's okay. He will insist she stay in bed and get as much rest as possible. He knows she loves ice cream so he'll give her as much as she wants. Blankets, stuffed animals, scented candles, you name it. If Tari wants it, he'll get it. Tari occasionally has to remind him that's she's not made of glass (quote season 1) and that he can't forget to take care of himself. On the rare occasion in which Masa isn't available to take care of Tari, he'll call one of their friends to come over and watch her.

Tari isn't as strict as Masa because she knows he's tough and doesn't need to be hovered over.

Somar- Sofia is actually really into fashion, so whenever she's sick or hurt, Lamar will buy her a bunch of magazines to browse through when she's by herself.

Since Lamar loves anime and waifus, Sofia will put on his favorite shows and watch them with him. She's even learned a bit of Japanese.

They don't care if the other is sick, they'll still just sleep together normally.

Bellcinia- Lucinia actually has a compromised immune system, so whenever Belle is sick, Lucinia can't go anywhere near her and often has to call Masa to come take care of her. Belle became a clean freak after learning about Lucinia's compromised immunity.

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