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I crave consistency
I crave a level of intimacy not easily obtained
I crave feeling loved
I crave feeling appreciated
I crave what I don't have

When I have it
Then what happens
I destroy it
I don't care for it
I lose interest
I leave

I give you my soul bare
I give you my heart bare
I give you my emotions bare
I give you everything bare
But do I

Do you feel what I feel
Do you understand

You crave my body
You crave my sweetness
You crave how I care
You crave how I love
You crave how I provide

But what do you give me
Occasionally love
Occasionally emotions
Occasionally vulnerability

I want you there
You want me there
To be together but not together
To intertwine bodies not hearts

What do I want
What do I crave
What can last
The ups and downs
The crying
The pain
The rawness of everything
Can you handle it
Can I handle it
Will you still be there through it all
Will I still be there through it all

I crave everything
But can I have everything

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