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What to wake up too

October 31st, 1981


My eyes burned as tears began to form I shook my head and cried, "How-what-"

James cut me off, "She killed him. She passed out right after she did and hasn't woken up. Her breathing has gone in and out since the attack. We got her heart beating before we brought her here. We don't know if she will wake up"

I gripped onto Monroe's hand and kissed it, "Please don't leave me, Rowie. We were supposed to grow old together and raise Rotanev and Rigel together. We were supposed to be together."

Beth came up to Kade and pulled him to her as he let out a sob over his sister. Regulus sat there beside me in shock. James tried to put a hand on his shoulder, but he shoved it off and got up to walk out of the room. Dumbledore stood there with a sadden look on his face.

Moody looked at Peter as he held his wrist in a tight grip, "See what you have done? Are you happy seeing your friends and people who cared for you mourning the loss of someone meaningful to them? You really are stupid to not see Monroe cared for you just as much as she cared for everyone else. You will be spending a lot of time in Azkaban and you will start to wish Voldemort killed you himself."

He apparated off the lot and Peter went with him. I wiped a few of my tears away, "We should prepare a room for her here or get her a private room at St.Mungos. She needs to be comfortable."

Lily gripped James' shoulder, "I will go write them for the arrangements. She would be treated at a hospital better than just lying here or at the palace all day."

After she left the parlor to go write the letter, Rotanev started crying in my mother's arms. She tried to get her to stop, but she only got louder. I got up from my feet, "Here I can take her. She only sleeps in Monroe, Regulus, Remus, or my arms. I don't trust them alone in a room tonight."

I took Rotanev from her arms and watched as her teary eyes soften as they met mine, "You have your mother's eyes. The same shape and all. Rigel just has the same color, but you, my mini Rowie, look just like her." I kissed her on the head and whispered, "Mumma is going to be alright."

Remus walked over with Rigel in his arms. Rigel looked as if he hadn't slept in ten years. Remus and I shared a little laugh and sat on the other couch in the room and held the twins together.

As if they can tell when the other is around, even with closed eyes, they reached for each other's hand and held onto each other as they fell asleep. The brother and sister held onto each other's hand as if they were going to lose each other.

Mother wiped her tears, "Well, it's getting late and I think we all deserve some rest. James, Lily, you three are welcome to stay here for the night in the guest room. I can set up some cots in the family tree room for everyone else in a few minuets. I need to go check up on my other son first."

"I'm fine." Regulus said as he was entering the parlor again. He walked over to the couch and sat beside me, and looked at the twins, "I'm going to sleep in here next to the twins. They are still at risk."


That next morning Monroe was moved to a private room at St.Mungos. Lily and James excepted my offer to stay at the Palace with Regulus, Remus, and I until they can make their next plans. They have Potter Manor, but James doesn't know if he's ready to live there again.

It had been four days since everything happened. It was now Monroe's twenty second birthday. She was spending her birthday in hospital, while the year before she was still adjusting to being a mother.

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