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Another year of the Order
TW: This chapter will mention abuse


"Tonks is here, my dears!" Our mother called out to us.

Jaden, Draco, Rotanev, and I shared a look, before standing up from our seats to great our cousin. We fixed our clothes to look nicer and walked out of the sitting room towards the front door. All of us dressed in black to fit our very mood of how we were feeling today.

As we were walking into the foyer, Dad and Regulus came down the stairs laughing about something. Regulus met Nymphadora's eyes and held his head high. He loved her as a child, he claims, but as she got older they seemed to butt heads more. She talked back to him a lot about how to handle prisoners.

Dad smiled, "Dora, it is a pleasure to finally have you in our home. How's Mum and Dad?"

Tonks looked around the foyer of the house, "Wow, Sirius. Mum wasn't kidding when she said you got the best house of out of any of them. She and Dad are doing well, just trying to stay safe in a time like this. I assume these are my cousins?"

Mum motioned for us to come closer, so we did, but slowly. After the Pureblood Ball a few days ago, we have all been on edge. We were close to being killed.

Dad looked at Rotanev in shock, "You wouldn't think he would risk it? He has his son here? There are children here! Surely he cares about his son enough not to risk him getting hurt."

Rotanev scoffed, "He abused his own wife, until she got so tired of it and became ill. Her sickness was from being mistreated, Dad. Not from the weather. Mr. Nott doesn't care for anyone, but himself."

Tonks looked us closely. Inspecting every inch of us trying to tell who belonged to who, "I can see which ones belong to the Black family. These two at the front with the same eye color. That's Rigel and Rotanev. They have Monroe's eyes, but they look like a Black."

She looked behind us, "That blonde one with the grey eyes is Nacissa's child. Draco, if I remember correctly. Spinning image of Lucius. Beside him is Jaden. He looks exactly like the photos of Zain, that I have seen. Him and Kade both look like him. He's for sure an Airson."

Rotanev and I proudly smiled, "We don't just look like a Black, but we have the heart of one. Grandmother taught us well. So did your mum, Aunt Dromeda."

"Ahh, yes. You two were named after the two Black family members that were the good Slytherins. Rotanev Andromeda and Rigel Acrturus. Two mini Regulus'." She laughed.

We turned to look at Uncle Reg for help, but he shook his head. He knew what we were thinking. We liked her, but not as much as Dad and Mum did.

There was another knock on the door and the other Order members started to file into the room. The Weasleys showed up last with the Potters. They brought Hermione along with them to the meeting.

Mum pulled all of the kids, minus the Weasley twins, into the sitting room, "Just one moment please. We need to set the proper enchantments first, then we will be traveling to London tonight. My kids, don't forget to pack your bags for your grandmother's house."

Ron, Harry, Ginny, and Hermione followed us into the sitting room, as we fell back on the couch. Draco looked at Hermione and she walked into his arms, "I've missed you, Malfoy. Your stupid arse could have been killed at that ball."

He let out a soft laugh as he embraced her, "I've missed you too, Granger. I hate not being able to be with you, but your safety comes first."

Rotanev huffed, "I would rather stay home in Paris, but I guess it's been awhile since we have been to London. It will be fun."

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