Chapter 3

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Good sex could leave you sore after, but it was worth it, so Becky hadn't even tried to hide that it was hard to sit in Finn's car when he picked her up from Rose & Thorn that night. Great sex, on the other hand, could still affect you the day after, so she was doubly glad that she didn't actually have to wrestle on her first day at NXT. Finn, however, wasn't so positive about it. "Seriously, Becks? When you called yesterday, didn't I tell you that you should be resting up?"

Becky tried to stop fidgeting in the passenger seat, but it was difficult. Was I that out of practice? she wondered. Seth certainly hadn't seemed unsatisfied, at least. She didn't think it had been that long since she'd had a nice long sex session, but she had been so distracted since learning that she was being given a chance at NXT that a lot of things had slipped her mind. "I know. But I needed to relax, and sex calms my nerves." With a wry grin, she added, "There was a bed involved for most of it, so it sort of counts?"

Finn shook his head wearily. "I don't want the details, Becks. We're already closer than most exes are. Knowing the specifics would probably be too much. I'm just glad you enjoyed yourself and everything went... well." Then he burst out laughing. "Congratulations on the sex, as the kids say."

Becky chuckled too. "Are they still making jokes about participation awards?" Then it turned into a cascading giggle that left her hunched over and breathless, with Finn patting her back whenever he could spare a hand from the steering wheel.

"Well, your first day is shaping up to be a delight, I must say," he remarked blandly. "I think it's going to be a double-page day in the journal."

After Becky finally stopped laughing and straightened up, she grabbed for her coffee and sipped at it gingerly. "Maybe I'll skip today." Until Finn had mentioned it, she hadn't realized that she had completely forgot to write in her journal for yesterday. It was a habit her father had instilled in her at an early age and she tried to be extra vigilant with it when she was travelling or away from home.

But Finn shook his head. "Nah. With a start like this," he declared, "something's going to happen. You know it is. That's just the way your life goes." When they pulled into parking lot, he pointed up to the NXT logo. "So I'm guessing you didn't spend much time yesterday familiarizing yourself with the roster, did you?"

"Not... exactly." Becky had been meaning to watch some old NXT matches, especially women's ones, to get a feel for the brand's energy. They were under the umbrella of WWE, but since they were considered developmental, Finn said there was a more youthful, creative vibe there, and that helped finalize her decision to give wrestling one last try. She had been pining for it for a while, but Finn's endorsement sealed the deal. "I will. I promise. I mean, I can't catch up on everything because that's a lot and I wouldn't even know when or how to start, but surely they have a backlog of recent episodes wrestlers can borrow or something, right?"

"Ah, Rebecca." Finn only used her full name when he was affectionately annoyed with her, but hearing it now reminded her of Seth, making her wish she had picked a different name to use at the club; she had been so overwhelmed at the time that it hadn't occurred to her that she could pick literally any name in the world. "If you've got some time on the weekend, I'll bring you over to my place and we can watch some old matches. I've got an early training session today," he added, "but I'll walk you around and make some introductions—with footnotes to follow."

"Thanks, Finn. You're the best." The security guard ended up being Becky's first official introduction, and even though she knew there was no way she was going to remember everyone's names, she did her best. Even in smaller promotions, she always tried to be friendly to everyone, wrestler and non-wrestler alike. "This is a nice set-up," she noted. Because she couldn't resist a jab, she added, "When my brother told me about your wrestling school, this is what I figured it would be like."

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