Chapter 4

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Seth's days of jobbing matches were, he hoped, behind him for the most part. He knew when he made the jump to one of the rosters—he was hoping for RAW, of course, since it was widely regarded as the superior show—that he wouldn't be at the top anymore, even as part of The Shield. In NXT, however, he was fairly secure; if nothing else, he would always be the first NXT Champion. When it came to staring up at lights, though, he didn't mind so much when Becky was part of the view.

As much as he loved to let his hands roam, he usually let them rest on her hips when she was riding him so he could feel the tension building in her muscles. As tempting as it always was to dig his fingers in and draw her closer, Seth tried to resist. That night, though, a worry was nagging at him, keeping him from fulling enjoying the evening. "Have you told Finn about me?" he asked, taking in a sharp breath when she dug her nails into his side.

Becky was so focussed on riding him that she didn't answer at first, her breathing too ragged. Then she glanced down at him and saw the expectant look on his face. "Huh? You want a threesome with Finn?"

"What? No." Seth slid his hands back to her ass, squeezing hard enough to make her moan. "I asked if you told Finn—"

She shut him up with a kiss, leaning in close enough that her breasts brushed against his chest every time her hips rocked forward. The new angle took him in even deeper, and Becky's pulse felt as fast as hummingbird wings as she covered his mouth with a hand. "You really... want to talk about Finn now?" She raised her hips enough that he could see the condom glistening on his cock.

"Hm. Point taken." Seth used the lull to switch positions, rolling Becky onto her back and pinning her wrists to the bed. One of the best things about fucking a fellow wrestler, Seth had discovered, was that their stamina was definitely better than the average person's; they also had a higher tolerance for bumps and bruises, so what one of his exes might have considered rough would just start to make Becky whimper—and usually in a good way. He came first—he almost always did when she had been on top—but he made sure she wasn't waiting long for her release either. She was still panting when Seth sprawled between her legs, and he tapped her hand to let her know her grip on his hair was a touch too tight. I'm going to miss this when I get called up, he thought, running a finger through her wetness and drawing lazy shapes on her thigh. They had started hooking up on Thursdays only, right after NXT. Then they had added Wednesdays so he would be relaxed and limber for the next day. After that, it was whenever they could both get to the club. One of the regular desk clerks had started noticing the pattern and joked that Seth should just rent a room for a month to save some money, and he had to admit the thought had crossed his mind. "So," he said slowly, running his tongue across her hip, "does Finn know about us?"

Becky's hips were kept arching up as if they were still fucking, and her left leg twitched at random. "No. Club rules, remember? What happens in the club stays in the club. I read the contract," she added with a slight note of defensiveness, though most of its bite was muted by her ragged breathing.

Seth nuzzled her hip before kissing his way up to her breasts. "Finn's different. He's your friend. And he taught you, right?" He thought he remembered Finn talking about having a wrestling school back in Ireland and thought it was something he'd like to do back in Iowa someday.

"Yeah," Becky answered, the hesitation in her voice making Seth wonder if there had ever been another level to their relationship. "But that doesn't mean I tell him everything."

"Because of the club rules," he pressed, sucking on her breast, "or because you don't want him to know about me?" Normally Seth didn't particularly care if his reputation preceded him; it could be a handy way of weeding out people he didn't want to deal with anyway.

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