Chapter 5

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Too much. Story of my life. Becky couldn't think of a time in her life when she hadn't been considered too much of something: too loud, too independent, too Irish. Considering Rose & Thorn was all about indulgence, she didn't think being too much would be a problem, but apparently she was wrong. Ever since the night Seth had dropped her off at her apartment, he had been distant, and she wondered if she had, yet again, been too much. Hooking up at a club was one thing; feelings were another. But he kissed me first! She had kissed him back, of course, and initiated the second kiss, but surely he wouldn't have made a move if he wasn't interested. Maybe it's an American thing, she thought.

"Rebecca?" Finn's voice brought her back into the moment, and she nearly toppled over her coffee. He had invited her out for breakfast—his treat, he insisted—and her first thought was to worry about a lecture. Then guilt had coursed through her quicker than the endless-refill coffee when Finn spent almost half an hour giving her tips about NXT and living in Florida. "What's going on?"

"Huh?" Becky quickly downed half of her coffee, grateful that it was no longer steaming hot. She still had a piece of toast on her plate, however, and there was no way she could cram that in her mouth fast enough to evade Finn's notice. "Sorry. Just thinking about my promo class this afternoon...."

Finn sighed and leaned back in the booth. "Becky, please don't lie to me. I'm trying to help you adjust and learn what you need to know so this run goes better than your first one."

Ouch. Finn still had a soft spot for her, Becky knew, so when he started getting blunt, he really did mean business. "I know you are. I'm sorry. What were you saying?"

"I was saying," Finn replied, gaze sharp and tone even sharper, "that I think you're spending too much time at the clubs. When you get to the Performance Centre, you're tired. Don't think the trainers won't notice eventually. They may give you some leeway now because you're new and going through culture shock, but you won't get that forever."

Becky nibbled on her toast, trying to think of a reply that wasn't a lie but also didn't reveal the whole truth. "I'm not drinking again, Finn, I promise," she began. That truth shone like a beacon and she followed it. "I'm not even going to Rose & Thorn much anymore." That was also true, if only because Seth was keeping his distance and she really didn't want a random hook-up.

"I don't think it's good for you." Finn held her gaze long enough that she started to squirm. "You'd start to settle more if you had a boyfriend—or girlfriend," he allowed, "and not just a random fuck, you know? Stability would be good for you. I'm not saying you would have to move in with them right away or anything like that...."

"Okay, but... I mean, I'm so busy with NXT and the classes and working out. Where exactly am I supposed to meet someone?" Becky asked. She wasn't averse to the idea of finding someone to date, but she did have a lot on her plate—and she didn't exactly want to give up Seth either.

"I don't know. Go to events in your neighbourhood—or mine, if you feel more comfortable there. Pick up a hobby." His voice took on an odd tone when he added, "There's supposed to be a bunch of call-ups from NXT soon, and if I'm called up, I'll worry about you. I thought I would have more time here to help you get used to things, but we've barely spent any time together since you went to Rose & Thorn."

Becky blushed, glancing around at the mostly empty tables. Apparently most Floridians didn't get up as wrestlers did. "God, Finn, I'm not a sex addict or anything, okay? It's just... easier right now. You know what wrestling schedules are like. They make it hard to have a relationship."

"Hooking up every once in a while is one thing, Becks. But you have to be careful. Rose & Thorn screens their applicants, of course, but just because the clientele are rich or famous doesn't mean they're all safe. Don't forget that everyone's there for sex in some capacity. It's not a dating service. Don't get tempted to bring one of them home." There was something far too pointed in Finn's gaze and Becky thought back to when she was his student—only his student—and he would give her a look that implied he knew she was hiding something and he was going to give her the chance to own up to it before he confronted her.

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