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TW - abuse (very violent torture) and rape



Vernon thundered up the stairs wildly waving his chubby arms and his face as red as a tomato. Harry scrambled into a standing position waiting for the inevitable. Vernon opened the door with a sickening crack. The sinister smile on his face proves to Harry that he finally snapped. Vernon could very well kill him based on that smile. That damned smile. Vernon grabbed Harry by the shirt collar and threw him into a wall. Harry landed on the floor bleeding profusely after smacking his head into the wall. Vernon began to beat Harry on every piece of skin he could get to.

"HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT ME BOY! I'LL SHOW YOU TO NEVER DISRESPECT ME AGAIN." Vernon chuckled as if he had finally gone insane. Vernon took out a knife and started carving the words FREAK and FAG.

"AHHHH STOP." Harry shouted

"STOP! NO! PLEASE STOP!" Harry cried repeatedly trying to get Vernon off of him. He couldn't use his magic or else he would get into enormous trouble. Vernon kept hitting and hitting him while Harry tried to crawl away the second Vernon stopped holding him down. He crawled as far as he could before he was dragged back under Vernon by his foot.

"I've got you now boy. You shouldn't try to get away or else it will get worse."

"Let go please" Harry cried out in pain. "Let me go you fat arsehole!"

"OH YOU'LL REGRET THAT NOW BOY!" Vernon roared as he gripped Harry's leg tighter leaving multiple bruises in the shape of his fat hand. Harry kicked him on the fat lard of his stomach but it didn't work. Vernon seemed to have only gotten angrier. Harry could see the steam coming out of his ears and his face looked like it would explode. Vernon began to snap Harry's bones one at a time attempting to do as much damage as he could.

"AHHH STOP!" Harry bawled out in pain and anger. "LET GO OF ME."


Vernon continued to laugh while hitting and grabbing at Harry. Harry looked up and towards the door and saw Dudley and Petunia watching. He sent a desperate look towards his aunt Petunia, hoping that she had some shred of humanity left to save her sister's only child. He hoped that she would save him before Vernon went too far and killed him or worse. His hope shattered when she just turned her nose up and walked away with Dudley leaving Harry under the wrath of his uncle. Harry had hoped Petunia would get over Lily's 'freakishness' and realize that he was his mother's child regardless of having magic but no, Petunia gave up the last shred of humanity she had and in turn she disintegrated Harry's last hope of ever having as loving family. Having his head smacked into the floor brought Harry back to the horrible reality that he is experiencing. In his mind, this reality is hell. Harry paled in feat at heating the clink of Vernon's belt being unhooked and then slid off onto the floor.

Oh no. Please not this. Not now. Just kill me please and get it over with. Harry thought as Vernon grabbed his foot and dragged him over to the bed. Fear is a funny thing. Fear is what keeps people alive. Fear shows human emotions. Fear is exactly what Harry is feeling right now. Harry is scared for his life even more so than when he goes up against Voldemort one on one. Harry couldn't that this was happening to him.

"This is what freaks get when they disobey me. That dumbly man paid us to beat the freakishness out of you but it didn't work so now we are going to do this my way."

Wait, what? Dumbly man? Does he mean Dumbledore? Paid? Dumbledore was paying them to beat him? Harry couldn't believe this. It would make sense seeing as how he always thrusts me into battle with no training, pushes me into dangerous situations, and always refuses to help me when I need it. I can't believe I trusted him. I can't believe I fell for it. Not anymore. If I survive this anyways. Harry was broken out of his horrible thoughts when Vernon threw him on the bed and flipped him over on his stomach. Harry threw up in his mouth. He knew what was going to happen. Vernon was going to rape his nephew. Vernon was going to use him and attempt to rape the freakishness out of him. Harry couldn't help but blame Dumbledore for this whole situation. If he hadn't dropped Harry off at the Dursley's then he would've never been in this position. Vernon unzipped his pants and took Harry's off forcefully. Harry wanted to cry but he refused to give Vernon that satisfaction. He refused to. He wanted to cry but he wouldn't. Harry could feel Vernon pushing into him with no prep. He felt his hole rip and tear as Vernon pushed straight in. Harry couldn't breathe. Harry wanted to run. He wanted to fight but he couldn't. Vernon was too fat. Harry couldn't push him off. Harry could only accept the fact that this was happening and attempted to find a safe place in his mind where Vernon couldn't hurt him. Harry zoned out until it was over. When Vernon finished, he pulled up his pants and grabbed his belt. Vernon whipped Harry with the belt over and over again until Harry's skin was shredded. Harry knew he wasn't going to make it. Harry knew that at this rate he would bleed out and die. Vernon didn't stop hurting him though. Vernon dropped the belt and grabbed the knife and stabbed Harry repeatedly until he was a bloody mess.

The last thing Harry saw was Vernon dropping the knife and storming out of the room locking the door. Harry soon fell into the sweet release of unconsciousness.

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