Hiking and best friends day

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I KNOW! WHERE THE HELL HAVE I BEEN?! Well let me explain....so ended up getting ungrounded 6 weeks later....but then my brother in law got deployed to Afghanistan so I have helped my sister take care of my nieces...oh and before he left we found my sister is pregnant again! Yup that's right! I'm going to be an aunt again and my sister needs me more than ever right now. Plus....my computer broke so I had no way to get in Netflix and get the shows because let's just face it... I have the most worst comprehending mind ever because I have to watch one episode of Transformers Prime episode twice before I can get what is going on. But yeah... That's what happened! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Love you all!


It was about 5 am when I woke up. I got up and got dressed for the day. There was no point in taking shower as I was going hiking soon. So I got dressed in a pair if kaki shorts a tan button up shirt my socks and hiking boots and then I got my back pack. I had my supplies and journals and pencils in there so I can write down the animals and draw them. Then I went downstairs and to my surprise Kade was down stairs. I smiled.
"Hey Kade." He looked towards me and smiled.
"Hey Jen!" Kade said.
"What are going to do today?" I asked.
"Well I was wondering after your hike maybe me and you could have a best friends day and catch up." Kade said.
"That is fantastic!" I said smiling.
"Oh by the way dad made you lunch for later packed a couple snacks for you." Kade said looking at the paper.
"Well that was nice of him. I'll have to thank him for doing that for me." I said smiling and grabbing the food and water bottles.
"Alright I'll see you later!" I said going down the stairs and going outside. The robots were still there and to my surprise I saw Cody.
"I'm surprised your up Cody." I said smiling.
"Yeah. I usually have school but it's out today so I just woke up normally." He said.
"Alright. I'll see you later bud!" I said ruffling his hair. He laughed and pushed me away.
"Stop it!" He said with a smile and then laughed. I walked outside and headed to woods and started my journey up the hills and mountains. I heard birds tweeting so I started mocking their sounds. I looked at the ground and saw an albino corn snake. Now I know that people have seen those thousands of times but I feel like they don't get every detail of them. (Don't do this at home. I know corn snakes aren't venomous but they can still bite you and hurt you if they are wild)I picked it up carefully and exam and examined it carefully. I took out my journal drew it then started writing down details and behaviors. When I got done I put him down and watched him slither away. I got up and started going up some more. About 2 hours later I have got nothing. I'll have to try again a different time because I was eager to hang out with Kade. I started going down the mountains and another couple hours I got to the Fire House safely. My this time I was dirty from head to toe. I had dirt from where I laid down with the snake and from where I sat down and ate lunch plus I had to cross and river so I was little wet and most of all sweaty. It might sound disturbing to you but I love it when I swear because to me it means I did a pretty good job at doing my task at hand. I walked into the Fire House and saw Chief Burns and the whole family there there. I smiled at them.
"Well looks like you accomplished a lot while you were gone." Cheif said smiling. I smiled back.
"Yeah I did. oh and Thank You for the lunch and snacks they were delicious! I've missed your cooking!" I said.
"Your welcome. Kade told me you are having a day out together so I would hurry and get ready before he gets here. He's been chomping at the bit waiting for you." Cheif said laughing. I nodded while smiling and went to go get ready for our day. I dressed in some dark blue skinny jeans a white and red boy flannel with a blue shirt tank too and red converse. I put a little bit of make up on and then I was ready. As I was opening my door I saw Kade leaning against it and we fell to the floor. I saw how close his face was and blushed a little bit. "uh..." Kade said looking into my eyes. I smiled while still blushing.
"Sh-should we go then?" He asked stuttering. he got up and helped me up too.
"So...wh-where are we going?" I asked stuttering too. I cursed myself for stuttering.
"Well I was wondering if we could just walk around and then get ice cream." he said.
"That sounds awesome!" I said.
We get downstairs and head outside and started walking. We started talking for hours on end... It's like we haven't been separated for 3 years and we are just back to our old selves. we stopped at the ice cream shop and got ice cream and headed off.
as we were walking I saw Hailey...oh the memories with me and Hailey. Me and Hailey were friends before but for some reason when we hit high school she just completely cut me off and never talked to me again. I was hurt about it but now I could careless.
"Oh..here comes Hailey!" Kade said his eyes brightening up.
I rolled my eyes and smiled Still same old Kade.
"Hey Hailey." Kade said
"Oh..hey Kade." Hailey said...then looked at me. "Who's this?" She asked. Wow. Doesn't even remember me.
"Hey Hailey. It's me Jennifer." I said. Her eyes went wide and then she smiled.
"Wow. You look...different." she said then turned to Kade. I just stood by and totally ignored their conversation. after they were done Kade looked at me.
"Sweet I have a date with Hailey." he said smiling. I smiled back but there was something else I felt..disappointment? Sadness?...I don't know.
"Well we need to head back. Dad is probably wondering where we are." He said. And with that we were on our way back to the Fire House.

Best Friends to Lovers? (Transforermers Rescue Bots story. KadexOc)(on hold)Where stories live. Discover now