Returning Home

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After the drive home, Parker began to help Chester into their house. The clock in the living room showed 2:40am. 

The pills seemed to be working for Chester. He began to seem perkier and more upbeat, but still looked very pale and ill.

'Alright.. so' Parker shut the door behind them and put his arm around Chester to help him up the stairs, 'Chester, now that we're home, uh- you need to tell me what we're gonna do. I think you should let me take you to get some actual help.'

Chester turned around to look at Parker, almost as if he was about to scream for suggesting that, 'I'm fine. I think I'm just gonna go to bed, I think the pills are working.'

Chester voice was very blank and dull, much like his facial expression. He took Parker's arm off his shoulder and slowly walked up the stairs on his own.

The pills were just as useful as cleaning the air with a brush.

'The Advil?' Parker almost took up Nursing School a few years ago, so he had to learn this sort of stuff before he met Chester, 'No, you have a parasite in you.'

'I'm fine, don't worry about me, I'm just gonna go to bed.' He continued walking up the stairs and into the hallway, 'You should probably go to bed to.'

'Alright dude, I'm just worried.' Parker followed Chester into the hallway and split off into his room, flicking off the lights on his way.

A peaceful nights sleep... Right?

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