The Painting

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"Excellent job, Emiko! Your brush strokes are getting better and better everyday!"

You smile kindly and hand the watercolor painting back to your student, putting a check next to her name to signify she completed the assignment.

The dark haired child beams at you and clutches the painting close to her chest before turning and running away.

"Akane!" you call, eagerly taking the next child's sketchbook. "Let's see what you have here!"

You study the painting- a beautiful landscape of the schoolhouse and the surrounding cherry blossom trees- then put a finger to your rosy lips.

"Yes, yes," you murmur to yourself. "I think... this is one of the best paintings I've seen all day!"

Akane giggles as you give the sketchbook back to her and check her name off.

She joins Emiko and the two girls wave goodbye, then turn tail and run away.

As the two girls flee out the front door, you lean back in your worn old seat and look out the window of the school house, sighing deeply.

Many of your other students still run around the field, sketchbooks in hand as they work on their art assignment for the week. They've been granted permission to paint anything they want, then, they're free to head home for the day.

One would think that you would end up with several half-assed sketches turned in, but luckily, your students are all quite diligent and eager to impress you. You are, after all, the youngest teacher they've ever had at this school. You often see that the students treat you more like an older sibling than a teacher.

Suddenly, you hear the clack of sandals on wood, and you turn to see a head of fiery yellow hair.

Speaking of diligence...

"Miss l/n!" the boy says, speedily walking up to your desk. "I've finished!"

Your lips spread into a delicate smile as the boy excitedly hands over his sketchbook, still wet from the paints. You sit up straight and gingerly turn the sketchbook around, careful to avoid touching the paint before it dried.

Then, your eyes grow wide as you look at the picture in front of you.

A group of children sit in a circle under a massive beech tree, books in hand, smiles on their faces. The brush strokes are short and delicate, carefully forming each facial expression. Every individual leaf on the tree is crafted with care, and the grain of the wood looks almost real.

"Senjuro," you say softly, admiring the painting from top to bottom. "This is..."

Your eyes drift to the center of the page, where a woman with sunlit h/c hair guides the group. She wears the drab kimono and hakama that most teachers around here wore, but the facial features... well, they matched yours exactly!

"Is this me?" you ask gently, turning the painting to Senjuro and pointing to the woman.

Senjuro blushes and rubs his neck. "Y-yeah," he admits, looking at the floor bashfully. "It wasn't meant to be you at first, but I guess it just sort of happened."

You grin as you turn the picture back to you.

Senjuro was one of your quieter students in class. He was always very kind and worked his hardest, even though he was pretty average in most areas of study. He did, however, have quite the talent for art. Nobody could deny that!

"Senjuro, I think this is your best piece to date!" you chirp, still staring at the picture happily.

Senjuro laughs, embarrassed by the sudden praise he's receiving.

"I'm serious!" you say, a bit more firmly. You lean forward, resting your arms on your desk. "This really is remarkable. Have you ever considered entering one of your paintings into a contest?"

Senjuro fiddles with his hands, his face still tinged pink.

"Oh, I don't know," he mumbles. "I'm not that good."

You tilt your head at Senjuro, still smiling brightly.

"Come on!" you cheer, plucking a pen from the cup on your desk and opening a drawer. "There's a contest going on right now in this school district. I can sign you up! With my dashing good looks, this painting is sure to win!"

Senjuro laughs at your joke, then clasps his hands together.

"I- I'll have to ask my father!" he responds, bowing his head to you. "But I think I will enter the contest!"

You close the drawer of your desk politely and place the pen back in it's cup.

"Alright!" you say with a playful wink. "Just know that I'll be on your case if you don't sign up! I want the whole prefecture to know I have the best painter in Japan!"

"Now, now, there's no need to tease me!" Senjuro blushes, waving his hand at you.

You give a hearty laugh and relax your posture, marking Senjuro's name off of your list. 

"I speak only the truth, Senjuro," you say simply, handing the painting back to him. "I do hope to see you enrolled in this contest."

Senjuro nods and tucks his sketchbook under his arm.

"I will ask!" he reassures you, turning around to leave. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

"You'd better!"

You chuckle quietly and lean fully back into your chair once more.

Senjuro really is a special kid.

After a moment of staring at the ceiling, however, a frown works its way across your face.

Come to think of it, though, you'd never met his parents.

Most of the other kids' families you knew well. You hadn't lived in this part of the world for all that long, but you certainly weren't shy, and you considered yourself a friend to everyone in the village.

Perhaps, you think with a yawn, you'll meet them when Senjuro wins that art contest.

A smile once again returns to your face as you hear another group of students running up to the schoolhouse.


Underneath the Beech Tree (Kyojuro Rengoku x teacher! reader)Where stories live. Discover now