Walk Me Home

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The night air is shockingly bitter and cold when you step outside, nipping at your nose with a fierceness you haven't felt all Spring.

You truly wish that you'd worn something warmer, but there was no point in dawdling on your past mistakes.

"The food was absolutely wonderful, Senjuro," you say, your cheeks rosy from the frigid weather. "Who would've guessed you had such a talent for painting and cooking?"

Senjuro laughs as Kyojuro steps onto the porch to join you two.

"You flatter me!" Senjuro says with a grin every bit as bright as his brother's. "Besides, Kyojuro helped too!"

"Well, I suppose I'll have to consider him a great cook as well!"

Kyojuro smiles and his face flushes a light red.

"That's the first time I've heard that!" Kyojuro laughs.

A comfortable silence falls over the three of you, then Senjuro lights up.

"Oh!" he calls, turning to the still open door. "I almost forgot something!"

As Senjuro disappears back into the house, Kyojuro turns to you with a warm, gentle smile.

"Y/n," he says, his eyes shining. "I just wanted to thank you for all you've done for Senjuro."

You blush and raise a hand to your cold face.

"Oh, there's no need-"

"Please, y/n," Kyojuro continues, taking your other hand in his own. You flush an even deeper red than before, but allow him to speak. "I need you to understand how grateful I am. I haven't seen Senjuro this happy in quite some time. He's more confident and passionate than ever before, and I truly believe that he's ready to start walking his own path... All thanks to your guidance."

Your heart slams against your sternum as Kyojuro's eyelids flutter closed.

He's so beautiful, and kind, and genuine.

"You said earlier that you became a teacher to help people?" Kyojuro asks, opening his eyes and making direct eye contact with you.

You nod and Kyojuro gives your hand a light squeeze.

"I believe that you've succeeded," Kyojuro finishes with a smile. "Thank you, for encouraging my brother to follow his heart."

You stare at the man in front of you, eyes wide and glittering with a thin layer of tears.

Your entire life, you've been met with nothing but negative feedback. Your peers, telling you that you weren't good enough. Your instructors, telling you to aim for something simpler. Your own father, telling you to give up on your dreams and become a housewife.

"Thank you, Kyojuro," you finally whisper, your throat hoarse as you attempt to not cry. "From the bottom of my heart. Senjuro is a wonderful young man, and it's been an honor to work with him."

Before Kyojuro can respond, Senjuro runs back out onto the porch, grinning and holding a frame in his hands.

"I want you to have this!" Senjuro declares happily, holding the frame out to you. "I painted it after you entered me in the contest. I hope you like it!" 

Your eyes flicker down to the painting in your hands and a proud smile slowly spreads across your lips.

You recognize the beech tree from Senjuro's original painting, but instead of a group of students sitting under its branches, you see only yourself and a yellow haired boy- Senjuro. As Senjuro paints on a canvas in his lap, you point to the distance and Senjuro looks on in wonder.

Underneath the Beech Tree (Kyojuro Rengoku x teacher! reader)Where stories live. Discover now