Out to Dinner

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"Thank you, ma'am!" Kyojuro beams, bowing his head quickly at the waitress in front of him. As he takes his bowl of udon in his hands, you find yourself smiling at how kindly he treats the waitress.

Respecting employees is always a sign of good character, after all.

Kyojuro picks up his chopsticks eagerly and plucks a piece of tempura from the pile of noodles.

Looks like his hair, you think to yourself with a soft giggle.

Kyojuro looks up at you, his mouth full.

"Mmpf?" he asks.

You tilt your head and he swallows, grinning.

"What's so funny?" he says more clearly.

You blush and close your eyes, a bright smile across your face.

"It's nothing important!" you chirp, picking up your own chopsticks.

You and Kyojuro had ordered the same thing, much to your surprise- but he'd requested three bowls rather than one.

Kyojuro continues to stare at you, his eyes gleaming.

"So!" you cut in, attempting to break the silence that has fallen over you two. "I failed to see Senjuro's mother at your estate. I hate to ask this question, but is she... still around?"

Kyojuro nods, munching on another piece of tempura.

"I was-" he swallows his food quickly. "Just about to get around to that."

He sets his chopsticks down and closes his eyes for a moment.

"My mother passed away many years ago, when I was still young."

"I'm so sorry," you murmur, remembering your own mother who met a similar fate.

Kyojuro nods and smiles at you, letting you know that it's alright.

"My father hasn't been the same ever since her death," Kyojuro then continues, much to your surprise. "He began drinking heavily, and eventually he even quit his job. He's a good man, deep down. I'm sorry you had to witness his... wrath."

You gaze at Kyojuro, who is now readying himself to begin eating once more.

You know a thing or two about ragey, alcoholic fathers.

"I'm sorry, too," you reply simply. "I hope that your father gets better soon."

"You and me both!" Kyojuro chuckles, though there is no happiness behind the noise.

A moment of silence passes as you two eat.

There's something else you want to ask, but you're not sure if it's appropriate...

"Was Senjuro particularly close with your mother?" you blurt, finally giving into curiosity.

Kyojuro, luckily, does not seem offended. In fact, he smiles at the sudden question.

"Senjuro was your typical young boy," he says, finishing his first bowl of udon with a loud slurp. "He was always attached to our mother's hip, right up until the end."

Kyojuro slowly drags the second bowl of udon towards him, staring at it with a hint of sadness.

"I don't believe Senjuro remembers much about her, nowadays," he says quietly, almost more to himself than to you.

You nod and munch on a piece of tempura.

This all makes sense, now that you're putting the pieces together.

You'd lost your own mother at a young age, and your father responded to your ambitions in a similar way that Shinjuro did. You knew you felt a connection to Senjuro for some reason.

"What about you, Kyojuro?" you ask without thinking. "You must have been much older than Senjuro at the time."

Kyojuro roars with laughter, almost choking on his food.

"I'm not that old!" he gasps. "I'm only twenty!"

You smile and feel yourself giggling along with him.

Twenty, just like you.

"But... yes," he finally chokes out. "I have very clear memories of my mother. She was always very patient- she had to be with our crazy high energy. She led me down the path that I'm on now, and I'm... forever grateful for that."

You gently place a hand on the table near Kyojuro's.

"She sounds like a wonderful woman," you say simply, closing your eyes in memory.

"She... really was."

"And what about your father?" you ask, opening your eyes to look at Kyojuro again. "What was he like with your mother?"

Kyojuro looks taken aback for a moment, and you suddenly realize that you may have stepped into dangerous territory once again.

But, surprising you once more, Kyojuro answers you with a smile on his face.

"He was an honest, hardworking man!" Kyojuro says, leaning forward and lowering his voice slightly. "Always quick with a joke and always quick to help Senjuro and I..."

Kyojuro then leans back in his seat, folding his arms over each other.

"I remember one evening, Senjuro and I were outside trying to catch fireflies. My father hid in the bushes and made spooky sounds to try to scare us, and I shouted- stay back, demon! My father is sure to slay you if you come one step closer!"

Kyojuro laughs heartily and you feel blood rushing to your face.

His laugh... It's so genuine.

It clearly conveys what that night must have been like for him.

You spend several more minutes reminiscing on the past before you realize the sun is setting out the window.

Kyojuro notices you staring out the window and smiles at you brightly.

"It is getting pretty late!" he admits. "You'd better get going before night falls."

You nod your head and rise to your feet, picking up your satchel and slinging it back over your shoulder.

"This was very nice, Kyojuro!" you say, extending your hand to him. "I'm truly grateful you took the time to talk to me about Senjuro's home life."

Kyojuro takes your hand and gives you a firm but gentle handshake.

His hand is warm and rough against yours.

"It's my pleasure!" he booms. "Please, come back to the estate any time. Senjuro would love to have you around, I'm sure."

You smile as your hand lowers back down to your side.

You've made an enemy out of Shinjuro, but at least Kyojuro still seems to respect you.

"I'll have to consider it," you say politely.

As you and Kyojuro both leave the restaurant, he turns to you and waves madly in your direction.

"Goodbye, Miss l/n!" he shouts. "I wish you the best of luck this school year!"

You laugh and wave bashfully, despite the crowds of people now staring at you and Kyojuro.

"Thank you!"

Underneath the Beech Tree (Kyojuro Rengoku x teacher! reader)Where stories live. Discover now