chapter 2 new faces

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When I got in the building their was a old gentleman who looked to be 60-70
'I wander who he is' as soon as I thought that he turned to me. "Ah you must be the new nurse y/n correct!?"
He said to me loudly. "U-um yes that's me, and who are you?" I replied back nervously. "Oh silly me, my name is Benjamin Amos, And I'm the head nurse here!"  He replied back with as much enthusiasm as last time. "Oh, it's nice to meet you Mr Amos." I replied back politely. "I'm so glad you decided to take this job, we've been really understaffed lately due to..... reasons" he said with guilt in his eyes. 'Why is he guilty? Did something happen' as soon as I opened my mouth to ask if he was alright he interrupted by saying "Anyways let me show you the room you'll be staying!" And without letting me say anything else he set off with me jogging to catch up.

When we got to my room he gave me two key cards and a piece of paper.
"The pink key card is for your door and the bathroom door, the blue key card is for yout patients door, and the paper is your schedule!" He explained "you don't have to do anything today since it's so late and all your patients are asleep now!" "Oh okay" "you should sleep now there's a lot for you to learn tomorrow!"    He says while leaving "okay bye have a nice rest of your evening" I call to him but it seems he's already gone. I opened my door and walked in the room.

It was nothing special just a white room with a tiny bed in the corner with a bed side table and a journal on it. 'I never had a journal before' I took a look at the schedule.

7:30 Am patients wake up
8:00 Am breakfast
9:00 Am patients go back to room
You can talk with the patient in between meals
12:00 pm lunch
1:00 pm therapy sessions
2:00 pm patients back in room
9:00 pm dinner
10:00 pm patients back in room and asleep.

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