Chapter 2

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" Checkmate," he complimented himself.
Fuck! I lost, saying, "Only this time I let you beat me, the next time I won't show you Mercy."

"There will be no next time, I will win bigger and better," he said.

"We'll see, it's too early to be overconfident," I said.

He shuffled the chess pieces.
"Your new roommate is expected to arrive today; are you looking forward to having a roommate?" He enquired.

"No, I prefer my own personal bubble and space. I don't believe I have enough room for a roommate "..

He laughed, "come on, you definitely need a roommate, sleeping and moaning about a monster peering at you."
Don received a cold gaze from me.
" Okay, okay, it's just a joke," he explained.

The sun was friendly to us today . We haven't seen her since rain came.

" Did you hear what they did to Frank?"

" the dude from block two?"

" yes , that one "

" what did they do to him?"

" he was raped while having a shower "

" it's sad "

It's common here ,you always have to watch your back while showering .

" and stabbed him when he tried to fight back , right between his butt cheeks "

" that's damn nasty "

" the Crooks did it , "

" someday they will meet their match".

I once whooped their leader really bad. He was blocking my path to the library , trying to act tough .

I rounded him up. Never to try me. But still it's prison , he still came back and ambushed me unexpectedly with his boys .

I don't have time and energy to waste on retaliation. So I let it slide...for now.

The alarm went off, followed by an announcement saying it was time to return inside. It's almost time for dinner.

Don and I got into a heated debate about basketball and boxing. Before he went to prison, he was a boxer.

I was only familiar with one sport, and that was golf. Don introduced me to basketball and boxing, and his continual debates over who is the best athlete and which games he would like to see piqued my attention.

"Am going to head. to the bathroom will catch up with you at the dining hall " I said .

" Okay "

My cell door was slightly ajar, when I went inside. It's odd that there are no searches today.

Then it occurred to me that I am welcoming a new roommate...yay! I'm ecstatic...and I'm not at all hesitant to share! I'm not a big fan of sharing.

A purple beanie with a pink puffy tip, a bra, thong, and uniform were all on the bed.

Wow, I'm sharing a cell with a jerk!

I must state unequivocally that I will not entertain masturbators.

Strike it in the bathroom, not the cell.

I am not fond of wanking men .It's disgusting to even think of it .

Since when has this establishment permitted guys to own women's clothing? I thought it was outlawed a long time ago, back when this prison was only a holding cell for emancipated slaves.

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