Chapter 3

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The shower was warm I would have stayed for long but I was starving. I hadn’t had anything since yesterday.
I went back to my cell to change into my uniform . My nostrils picked up a minty scent . Quickly changing and taking my wrist band. To say I was scared would be an under statement but I was not some rained on cat, Just as my name was, I was an uprising strong and tough. I wasn’t willing to show how nervous I was nor freaked out.
Surrounded by men from all walks of life I was already aware of what was to come. Turned into the center of attraction as I walked all eyes were on me. As I ate I felt their curious and dumbfound gaze at me. I love being the center of attraction it excites me and makes me feel so special .



I finished my food and marched out of the dining hall ignoring all the stares that followed me . Honestly I don’t want to be here am just trying to coexist with this might as well just adjust to my new home . With time their curious stares will die out. Yes its unheard off for a woman to be locked up with a bunch ... not even bunch but a load pile of men. Almost like taking an impala to a lion infested field. Luckily I am a survivor , I have survived the worst of the worst. I stretched and yawned already exhausted for the day. I took off my shoes and my hoody, shaking my head to let my hair sway from side to side . I turned around and jolted nearly popping out of my skin .

I finished my meal and marched out of the dining hall, oblivious to the glances I received. 

To be honest, I don't want to be here; I'm just trying to get along. I might as well get used to my new surroundings. 

Their enquiring stares will fade away with time. 

Yes, it is unheard of for a woman to be locked up with a slew of men... not just a slew of men, but a slew of men.

It's almost as if you're bringing an impala into a lion-infested field. 

Fortunately, I am a survivor; I have been through the worst of times.

Already fatigued for the day, I stretched and yawned. 

I removed my shoes and hoodie and shook my head, allowing my hair to bounce from side to side.

I jolted around and nearly popped out of my skin when I turned around.

A man waited at the door's entry, his hands in his pockets. 

He was roughly 6'4 tall. 

His skin was light, nearly white. 

His silky black hair was cut short. 

Green eyes, like the lovely Amazon jungles being abused. 

A chisel-like structure is twice as good as perfectly delineated cheek bones and jawbone. 

He was just stunning. 

He had an extremely athletic body with little noticeable fat. 

I could see his muscles clamoring for their 2 seconds of fame and recognition even through his shirt. 

He had shaven two weeks earlier, yet his stubble was beautifully shaved in a very distinctive style.

I was at a loss for words.

Should I say hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello,

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