Nightmares | Eren x Reader

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With the way the world is, it wasn't uncommon for people to get nightmares. The constant fear of Titans breaking down the walls, destroying your home and devouring you and your closest people was pure nightmare fuel.

You weren't spared from the horrible dreams either. You have had them ever since the fall of wall Maria. Recently, it seemed like they became even more frequent. And how could they not? First was the battle at Trost - you lost so many close friends there and then you learned that your boyfriend was able to turn into a Titan for reasons unknown even to him.

After that was the trial for Eren, where you almost lost him. Luckily, the Survey Corps managed to save him, but watching the guy you love get the shit beated out of him wasn't very pleasant.

Only around a month later was the 57th expedition. You miraculously survived, but so many people didn't, including the Levi squad. Even if you weren't close seeing them die and and having to throw their dead bodies in order to escape was really traumatizing. So were the cries of their families and friends. Not to mention that Eren almost got kidnapped.

And finally, the identity of the female Titan. You and Annie weren't exactly close, but you still felt betrayed. Why did she kill all these innocent people? Why did she try to take Eren away? Are there more of these Titan shifters? Will they also kill people close to you? All of these questions really messed with your head.

Tears ran down your face as you woke up from another nightmare. The horrifying image of your friend's ripped apart bodies, their torn limbs, the bloody grass below them... it was all... too much. The last part of your nightmare was the last straw - the Armored Titan and the Colossal Titan appeared again and took Eren away. He tried struggling and they didn't take it well. The next image was far too horrifying for you to describe, but it was what finally woke you up.

You tried to keep your voice down, not wanting to wake anyone up. However, someone did "Y/N, are you okay? You're crying." Mikasa asked. You wiped your tears and tried to stop sniffing "I'm fine, thanks for worrying."

After a few seconds of silence you heard shuffling and then you felt her hand on her shoulder. She turned you towards her and spoke "Listen, Y/N, I care about you. If something is bothering you I want to help. You're really important to me, so please - talk to me." And you did, you told her everything about the horrible nightmares.

By the end you were sitting up, hugging the black haired girl and crying in her shoulder. She patted your back and comforted you "It's fine. Look, all of us are here. Me, Ymir, Christa, Sasha - everyone. The guys are fine too. And so is Eren. But, if you want to make sure, then why don't you go in his room? If you see for yourself you'll calm down, right? I'll cover for you if someone notices that you are gone."

So here you were now. It felt a bit wrong - entering the boys' dorm, but you still did it. You let out a sigh of relief when you saw all of them sleeping peacefully. Closing the door as silently as possible you walked towards Eren. "He looks cute when he sleeps." You thought."Kill... I'll kill all Titans... Not sparing a single one... Massacre them all..." He mumbled in his sleep and grinned in a creepy way. "Well, cute in his own way."

You patted his head and sighed. It was weird. They were all okay and alive, and yet for some reason you were still worried. "C'mon Y/N, they're all okay. Stop looking over them like a creep." As you were about to pull your hand away you heard a voice "Y/N? What are you doing here?" Eren asked, whispering.

"Ah, I woke you up didn't I? I'm sorry. It was just a stupid nightmare. I'll leave now." You explained but before you could walk away Eren grabbed your hand "You can tell me about it. I hate seeing you sad and worried." He pulled the covers up and invited you to lay with him. It was embarrassing, but you obliged. The bed wasn't big enough, so you were basically laying on top of him. He wrapped his arms around you and encouraged you to tell him about your nightmare.

"It was horrible... You and everyone else died in such a horrible way. I'm just so scared of losing you. I'm sorry, this is stupid and childish, but I can't help it." You mumbled and felt him brush away the tears running down you face.

"It's fine. I get nightmares like that sometimes too. But them I remember you, your beautiful face, amazing smile, the sound of your voice. And now I can feel you too. I know that you are right Infront of me and that I'm holding you close. Don't worry, I won't let you go until you ask me to. And, no matter what, I won't die. I won't leave you alone ever." Eren said as he continued to rub you back in a comforting manner. You knew that this was most likely an empty promise - there was no way he could guarantee that he won't die.

And yet, his words comforted you. The fear disappeared. You concentrated on his warmth, on his heartbeat, on the fact that he was still alive and with you. And soon enough sleep consumed you.


"What the hell? Why is Y/N here?" Connie asked loudly. The guys that hadn't completely woken up yet immediately perked up at that. Eren answered, annoyed since someone woke him up "She was having nightmares, so she came here. What's the big deal? Seriously, shut up - you're going to wake her up."

Jean stared at him in surprise and exclaimed "What's the big deal? Really?! What if she gets caught? The contain isn't going to like this at all. And people might get the wrong idea." Eren rolled his eyes "She won't get caught if you all keep your mouths shut. And keep it down - these nightmares probably kept her up."

"Can you stop acting like this is norm-" Connie was cut of by a groan followed by your voice "Ugh, what happened? Why are you all in the girl's room?" You asked, still half asleep and not remembering much.

Armin answered "I think you have it the other way around - you're in the guy's room." After hearing that you immediately felt a rush of energy, memories from last night flooded your head. You started explaining "I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry! I had a nightmare and I came here to see Eren, but I fell asleep."

The door suddenly opened and Captain Levi entered "What is this commotion about?" Then his eyes landed on you "Y/N? What are you doing in Jaeger's bed?" You quickly tried to explain "I'm sorry, Captain. I know you shouldn't be here, it's just... I had a really bad dream last night, so I came here and Eren calmed me down." You mumbled in embarrassment, thinking that you probably sound like a little kid.

You were preparing to get scolded and were surprised when you heard what he actually said "Nightmares? I see. In that case I understand. However, you better not make this a habit." Levi himself often deals with nightmares and knows just how horrible they are, so he was a but sympathetic towards you. The guys were really surprised - had they been found with the girls the Captain would've forced to run at least 30 laps.

"Okay, now that's over with. All of you get ready or I'll have you clean the entire place until I can see my reflection in every surface. (Y/n), I'll have someone bring you clothes, so you won't have to walk around in pyjamas like and idiot. For now turn around while the guys are changing and then I'll make them leave." Levi said and left the room.

You sighed in relief, happy since you didn't get in trouble. Still, you know that you'll be teased by the others for a long time about this, just like how Sasha was still called potato girl by some. You could almost hear Ymir's laugh and the jokes she'll make.

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