Annoying Little Shits | Levi x Pregnant! Reader

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"Hey, Levi, this is a bit out of the blue, but what do you think about kids?" You asked your husband, Levi. He thought for a moment and answered "They are all annoying little shits. Why are you asking?" You giggled a bit and shrugged your shoulders "No reason in particular - just curious." It's not like you had to worry about children anytime soon, or ever. There's no way you'd ever get pregnant.


"Congratulations, miss! You're pregnant!" The doctor announced and Hanji, who had come with you, jumped out of her seat and hugged you, talking fast in excitement "I'm so so happy for you! We'll have a little Levi or (Y/N) copy running around! Or it will look like both of you! Maybe there will be more than one!"


You had found out about your pregnancy a week ago. There was an upcoming expedition, so you decided to go to a doctor, since you had started throwing up every morning and wanted to see if it was serious and if you should join.

At first you planned on joining, but then you decided to not be an irresponsible idiot and stay at home. A pregnant woman has to place fighting Titans and flying around with the 3D maneuver gear. Since no one, besides Hanji, knew about your pregnancy, you used the "I'm really sick and I don't know why" excuse on Erwin. Luckily, he believed you and allowed you to not go with them.

Levi, however, did go and you knew you'd have to tell him when he comes back, which terrified you. What if he doesn't want it? What if he leaves you? He won't, right? He loves you too much.

It was the middle of the night, around 3am, when the sound of a creaking door woke you up. A pair of arms wrapped around you. Immediately realising it's Levi, you quickly turned around to face him. He looked completely exhausted, both physically and mentally. You didn't ask him about what happened - if he wanted to tell you he would, there's no need to pressure him. Levi buried his face in your shirt, obviously not in a good mood. You wrapped your arms around him and rubbed his back in attempt to comfort him.

"25 people died today. 25 brave soldiers lost their lives at the hands of these stupid monsters. 25 families which will be heartbroken when we tell them tomorrow. And for what? For nothing - once again we didn't manage to make a base. Just captured two Titans. How's that going to help?" Levi said. The expedition obviously didn't go well. In fact it went horrible.

You listened to him talk until he told you everything. Although it might sound selfish, sometimes surviving was harder than dying. Knowing that your comrades died leaves you with so much responsibility. You have to keep moving forward, because that's the only thing you can do for them at this point. To make sure their sacrifices weren't in vain.

The pregnancy announcement will have to wait. Telling Levi now won't do either of you any good. Still, you wanted to say something "Levi, I love you."

"I love you too, (Y/N). More that anything else in this world."


At first the plan was to wait a few days, which then turned into weeks. And now it was a month after the expedition. Levi had gotten over the last expedition, or at least looked like he had. Well, everyone did. It wasn't anything new. It still hurt, but it was something that at this point was unfortunately considered normal.

The problem was that you still didn't have enough courage to tell him. Sitting at the edge of your bed, you tried thinking of different ways to avoid talking about your pregnancy "Maybe I can say that I've just been eating a lot more recently and that the morning sickness is because of that. Better late than never, so maybe I can keep it a secret until the day I actually give birth! This might wo-"

"Hanji said you are hiding something really important from me." Levi said as he entered the room, catching you off guard. There was a slight hint of sadness in his tone, probably because he learned that you were keeping a secret.

"Damnit, Hanji! Why would you do this to me?!?!"

You kept quiet, staring at the ground between your legs, not wanting to look at him. Levi walked closer and knelt Infront of you, causing you to meet his eyes. He was shocked when he saw that you were crying and brought his hand to your face, wiping away your tears gently.

"Do you promise not to get mad?" You asked. "Of course, I won't. I promise." Levi grabbed you hands as he said that and brought them to his lips, leaving a few kisses. Closing you eyes, you took a deep breath "I'm pregnant."

Silence. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Levi's face was stuck in a state of shock and he wasn't saying anything. Tears fell from your eyes once again "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" That seemed to snap him out of it "Hey, hey, hey, why are you apologizing? I'm happy about this you know. Do you not want it?"

"You're happy? But, you said that all children are annoying little shits. Doesn't that mean that you don't want one?" You asked and tried to dry your tears with the sleeve of you shirt. He, much to your surprise, chuckled a bit "That's because they are. However, this one is special. This one will be our brat. So it wouldn't matter how annoying it will be - I'll still love it, just as much as I love you."

Levi stood up and pulled you into a hug, which you quickly returned. After you calmed down he asked to see your stomach. You lifted your shirt up and showed him the small bump. Levi placed his hand on it and started talking "Hey there, brat. Now I know about you. Me and you mom are going to take care of you... This feels weird - talking to your stomach."You chuckled "It is a bit weird for me too. Do you want to tell the others?" By "others" you meant the Levi squad and Erwin.

"For now, let's tell only Erwin. He needs to know why you won't be working. And the other - we can tell them later. I don't want them knowing right now. Anyway, you just stay here. I'll tell Commander Eyebrows and come back here."

You nodded and sighed, relieved. A big weight lifted from your shoulders. Now that you knew what Levi thought you finally calmed down. "Just a few more months and I'll get to meet you. I can't wait! I just hope everything will go well."

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