➳ five

93 11 4


mary e. o'neil 


After the party, Ashton showed up to the shop every day, and every day, I got Danny to take his order. He would be persistent, though, and keep showing up and tried to talk to me. It got to the point where he'd just give up on the whole talking thing but still come. It was a good week before Danny pulls me over to ask what's up with us. When Danny, the unphased and constantly bored guy, notices something is wrong, that's when you know something is really wrong.

I sigh and shrug continuing to make the sandwich I am working on. Ironically enough, I think it's Ashton's. "He beat up my step brother at a party last weekend."

Danny leans against the counter and gives Ashton a good once over. "Your step brother the twig?" I nod, and Danny laughs. "How bad did he hurt him. The guy looks like he's in the military."

I finish the sandwich and put it on the platter. Looking up at Danny, I wipe some hair from my eyes. "He is in the military. And he gave him a nice sprained wrist and bruised jaw. It's been a week and the bruise is finally turning the color it does when it means it's healing."

Danny gives a disgusted look and rolls his eyes. "I don't wanna know. You take that to him."

"What? Why? Danny you took his order!"

"And you need to get over yourself. I can't keep covering for you, and he's obviously making a point by coming in here every damn day of the week. Go!" Danny smirks and turns his back on me to serve another customer.

I groan and take the sandwich over to the small table Ashton sits at. In his hands is The Vindication of the Rights of Women by Mary Wollstonecraft, which is an author I told him was my favorite the second day we met. Of course. How cliché.

"Here's your order," I say putting the plate in front of him. Ashton's eyes meet mine, and my heart jumps in my chest. It takes everything in me not to show my emotions on my face.

"Thank you, Mary." Ashton says my name so soft and so slow like if he doesn't say it, I'm going to disappear. A moment ago, that's all I wanted to do, but not being around him and hearing his voice just made me realize how much I missed it.

"No problem, Ashton," I repeat at the same tone of voice he used. "Now, if you excuse me, I have to get back to-"

"Wait!" Ashton jumps. His tough hand falls on my forearm, and I flinch out of reaction to what I saw a week ago. Seeing me flinch makes him sad; I can see it in his eyes. I can't help it, though. I pull my arm back and place my own hand over the area where his once was. My arm suddenly feels cold without his touch.

"I have work, Ashton."

"Then please let me see you after. I have to explain. What I did was unacceptable and-"

But I cut him off. "You almost knocked Luke out, Ashton."

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