𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛

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[ Chapter Eleven ]


River had no clue on how long she had been in that cell, or how long she'd been holding onto her knees.

She didn't need to see her fears, and Wanda, who was Pietro's younger twin, didn't see the need to hurt or harm the teenager. Rose was interested in it at first, but only backed off when Pietro told her not to. Rose saw anyone and everyone as a threat at first, that's how she was raised.

River was never one to back down, and everyone knew that. But right now she just wanted to get back to the compound. Yes, Pietro was nice to her, or as nice as he could be... But River wanted to leave. She personally didn't like being trapped in a cold cell where she wasn't SUPPOSED to have visitors. Ultron probably knew that Pietro would visit her by now. If he was able to access files on Strucker, he sure could check if she had people seeing her.

River didn't need to look or even glance up to know the speeder was there. But there was something different about him. There was a small boy there as well.

River furrowed her brows in confusion, a handful of questions popped into her head as she looked at the boy. For example, how old was he, what was his name if he knew, did he have powers, all basic questions they'd ask at S.H.I.E.L.D.

The boy smiled upon seeing River. "My name is Luke!" She tilted her head in fascination. Luke had a bouncy, happy, energetic personality to him, despite going through everything he had gone through. She smiled back at him.

"Hi, Luke." She rose a brow when he walked over to her, sitting in her lap. Pietro chuckled, knowing Luke's usual behaviour. They didn't know where Rose and Wanda were, resulting in Luke going with Pietro to see River.

Luke looked up at the older teenager with a curious look in his eyes.

The boy wasn't sure if Pietro, Rose or Wanda knew what the sun was like, so he decided to ask River, "What's the sun like?" He had only been outside at night when they were walking to the building to meet Ultron. River frowned, knowing why he was asking that.

She thought for a moment, "Well... Let's see, it's bright. Apparently you're not supposed to look directly at it or it'll hurt your eyes. It's warm. It's yellow in the daytime and goes to orange and then red sometimes at night and in the morning." She explained, holding Luke tightly as his back was facing her.

"How old are you, Luke?" She questioned softly.

"13." He replied, looking up at Pietro. River looked up at Pietro, seeing the look of sympathy for the thirteen year old.

The three stayed silent for a while until Pietro sped over beside them and sat down.

"I saw an animal last night when we were walking... I think Wanda said it was a puppy?" Luke told them. "I wanted to keep the puppy but Wanda said no." He looked down sadly.

River thought for a second, "Maybe when this is all over, I can help you get a puppy if you want." Luke's expression changed from being completely sad to extreme excitement. She knew they'd make it out of there. The poor boy was only 13, and she had no idea how long he'd been in HYDRA. She could just tell S.H.I.E.L.D. that he would be someone she was training and then everything would be fine.

Luke fell asleep eventually, this child had a better sleep schedule than River... She was slightly envious of that, but she was used to not getting sleep and surviving on caffeine.

Pietro looked down at River, who was shorter than him, "You don't have to get him a puppy, I'm sure he'll understan-" "No. I'm getting Luke a puppy after... Hey, you guys can stay at S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters. I'm sure after explaining everything, they'll be fine with it." He looked at her with a confused look.

Why was she being nice to them? They literally kidnapped her by force for whatever reason.

And they were trying to tear apart the division she was with. Why would she be nice to them?

Yes. Another filler chapter.

And no, Luke won't die like Pietro did.

And River just being like Yes, I will get him a puppy because he wants one. I- pure.

Okay, bye!

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