The fall 7

11 2 2

/RAPE Mentions in next chapter/

Quackity's POV

"Who's call is it then Niki?" Dream says in a stern voice

it's mine dickhead and you're not going to see George so if you could leave so Niki can check on him I look at Dream with a glare

"Why not first you guys ignore me and now you're refusing to let me see George" Dream shouts out

Well if you didn't hurt him enough to put him in the hospital and plus we ignored you because you were looking for George and when we found him he was passed out and Karl was panicking and is still in fright of losing George so if you would fuck off and go hang out with that Fundy guy then we would be alright we don't need you around here hurting George and effecting his healing processes

oh and by the way congratulations on the new pups I heard from Fundy's doctor that he's pregnant and I'm assuming since you slept with him it's your kid I scold

I would say next time wear a condom but seems like what I heard from people who were at the party seemed like you didn't want to wear one so George would be upset seems like you got your wish

"You son of a bitch " Dream says as he walks closer to me and tries to hit me but my bodyguards grab him

Nice try I look at my guards

Boy's take him to his boyfriend's room Niki you can go check on George I say with a nod she smiles at me and heads into the room I watch as the guards take Dream to Fundy's room

* I can't believe he did that George and they always talked about running away together and starting a family I can see why George hurt himself*

Niki POV

I walk into George's room and see he's tied down so he doesn't hurt himself this isn't the George I know I sigh

I move to his side and push back and strands of hair  you were right Dream does hurt people he does hurt people without a reason I look at his heartbeat and it's getting stronger hmm your parents should be back soon and the doctor says you can make a full recovery if you just keep doing things that make you happy which means staying away from Dream I grab his hand George your going to be okay just come back it's not your time to go not yet or anytime soon

I look at his features and notice his eyes start to twitch yea come on buddy you got this and all of a sudden I hear a knock and then the door opens at it the doctor and the parents of George oh hi Mr and ms Davidson I stay where I am and the doctor comes in and he hands me the over bloomed flower I grab it and go to the stuff in the corner and start making the flower into liquid I look over at the doctor and hand him it

" Can you take the parents out of the room and to the waiting room Niki?" Doctor Peter says

I nod and we walk out the door I shut u and we walk to the waiting room we see Quackity and a few other families waiting for their loved ones I wait for the doctor to call us into the room but it takes a while I look at my watch and at the Davidsons  and I get called by another doctor  and see its the one helping Fundy

" We need help with the Omega in 204" Doctor Spencer says

okay I look at the Davidsons with a sad smile I really hope George pulls through  we start walking to the room where Fundy is and where George is I walk into Fundy's room and see him crying I look between Dream and Fundy they both look upset I can smell Dream release a calming scent for Fundy but it doesn't seem to be making him calm I look at the doctor and whisper

what's going on here? I say with a confused face

" He had a miscarriage and he doesn't believe me and is fighting against me when trying to restrain him"


all of a sudden I feel something hit me I look over and see Fundy tossing stuff at me I look at Fundy with a glare and start releasing a scent  that was bound to make him stop he stops throwing stuff and I walk over to him I look at him and he has sadness in his eyes and I can see he has a very troubling past

Can I please put you in restraints and then you can talk to me I say with a sad smile

he nods and sighs

I put him in restraints and point to the door so the other two can leave

so tell me what happened...


I haven't been posting because I've been feeling really down and out of energy so i took the time to rest sorry :/

Number count 862

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