Chapter 1

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typing....... The top of his chat showed.

I sent the message and went straight to sleep.

        The next day, I waked up slowly from the bed with a blank mind.

Opening my eyes from a gloomy sight to see beautiful dramatic shining sun rays peeking through window holes.
I can hear someone singing with an updated version of my voice. I tried to do chorus, but my morning voice didn't help me.

That's my mom from the kitchen with a sweet honey voice, who named me Syrene. My name is famous among my friends since my voice stands perfectly for my name. It gives the meaning Melodic soft voice.
Of course, I can sing well following my mother.

    "Mom, I'm awake," I said getting the attention of my mother. She smiled back as always with her pleasant face. The clock showed 6 a.m., It's time to fasten my sloppy sleeping legs to get ready. I disappeared in the blink of my mom to the bathroom.
My mom asked watching my superpower "Were you going anywhere in the morning?"

"Yeah! There is an event today. I'm volunteering as an Editor". Coming to my sense that I have to face him in the event. I sighed~ Taking my breath back.

       I left home to the railway station picking the call from my friend Tiya, "I'm near the station. Will be there in minutes".

She is waiting for me for the past 15 minutes, saving the lies of me that I'll be there in 2 minutes, watching the trains passing her that we have to take, and getting ready to shower me with blessing words.

I reached, then greeted her as nothing happened and she greeted me back with what she prepared.
           Tiya is my best friend in college, we got close as soon as the first day started. We started enjoying and exploring things in our world.


We boarded the next train. I watched the passing stations with no idea what will happen in the event.

My friend asked, "Is he'll be there?"all of a sudden.
What?! Did I hear her clear? What is she talking about?
"Whom?" I asked her in a cool tone.
"Your friend. You came with him on that movie day."
Ufff! "No. Why does he have to come?" I said switching my mind from my imaginary thoughts stimulated by her question.
"I thought I can spend time with him. He was so silent that day. He may be an introvert. So I thought of making him mingle with others".
"Introvert? He? Wahhh~ You have judged him bad. He annoys me every time with his playful tricks and words. If you try to help him then you'll be the next victim." I talked with funny surprising face to hear he is an introvert, My god! Unbelievable!.

She laughed watching the sudden change in my tone and facial expression after said, "I can see you guys are pretty close."
Yeah! We are~ Childhood friends be like~

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