Chapter 2

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We reached the event venue.

As soon as we entered, my wrist was grabbed by someone from the back.
Of course, I'm again into my imagination and couldn't turn back.

"Hey, Beauty," that owner of hand said. Wait! It's a familiar voice. Still, I didn't look back.
I know he is Ben, the one Tiya missed a lot, the one she thought was an introvert, My childhood friend.
            Tiya looked happy meeting Ben again, But I flooded in the mixed emotions.

"I didn't expect I'll see you here. How are you, Ben?" Tiya talked exclaiming in happiness.

I talked like breaking the ice, "Why are you here? You startled me."

"I wouldn't have come if I know you'll be here." He replied expecting my irritated reaction.

Then we got separated into our particular areas. I'm relieved that Ben and Tiya will not disturb me because they are on the same team.

Taking my seat, I scanned everyone entering the auditorium.
I saw him nowhere. I didn't know what will be his reaction after my long text.

I checked my mobile and found there is a missed call. Yeah! That's Him.
He is Steve. People just get attracted by his name and fall for his looks. I'm not an exception.

But more than that, I admire his character a lot. People think he shows attitude for his good looks, but he is not. He is cool.

I don't know why he called me.
Maybe he is already here? Did he saw me?
Maybe not? Uffff! Whatever.
I didn't say anything wrong to him yesterday, the things I mentioned were true. I don't care if he does anything. Even if he wants a breakup. Let it be who cares. I'll be relieved.

............Maybe my text didn't express the way I wanted to tell. Should I have talked to him in person? I should have faced in-person in times like this.

Why am I blaming myself? I should not regret it. I have been honest with my words.

"Syrene. Syrene. Syreeeene!!!!!!" My team head started to shout at the end.

"Oh! Sorry. Sorry." I said raising from my chair.

"Are you okay?" he asked. "I am", I replied shortly.

"Okay, We have to start now. The first program has finished." He urged me.

"Already? I'll make it fast." I started to edit.

                      (After few hours)

                    "Lunch break!!!!!"
Someone informed in the mic aloud and told everyone to get back after 40 minutes.

Still, Steve didn't appear or maybe I didn't found him.

I didn't go for lunch since some work is pending that we have to finish before the next session begins.

My team head and only me stayed back, He
looked so dizzy listening to his stomach words that he is starving.
So I told him to go for lunch, and I'll do the rest until he returns.

He also left.
Now only me and the empty chairs in the auditorium were there. Everything has been quiet.

I wondered can we hear a dropping pin's sound like legends say?. So I dropped a pin to confirm it and found out that's impossible.

I leaned front to pick the pin. All of a sudden someone switched on the mic.

That person has checked the mic and whispered,
                    "Hey,....... Syrene!"
    The voice echoed in the empty auditorium.

(A/n :- I can hear all your voices. "All of a sudden!?!?", "Who it'll be?", "That must be?"
"May be a Co organizer."
WAIT A MIN!. Let me tell you in the next chap. He..hee.. Stay curious ;)

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