Part 62 - Vampire King

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* Tom's POV *
They all watched my every move waiting for someone to tell them what to do but I broke the silence first "We can walk freely and you will let our friends walk with us or we find your so called king ourselves". The man seemed to debate the options before signalling for them to release everyone and back off, I retracted my wings but kept my eyes glowing as a warning as we were lead through the forest.

We walked through the trees for a few minutes until we came to a long winding gap in the bushes. It looked like a pathway that many people had used before but it wasn't marked by anything other than the cracked branches littering the walk way. I kept an eye on any vampire who tried to walk closer to our group and especially those closer to my kitten but so far the eyes and wings were telling most it wast worth it. This didn't stop all of them from looking at us either with suspicion or lust, not sure which made me more mad. We eventually came to a stop as the leader turned to warn us "We have arrived show some respect".

I'm fairly certain it was aimed at us but other vampires seemed to stand taller as well. With that we walked into an open space with a small village located there, a quick glance around proved me correct in my thoughts, they were all vampires. They must have rarely got any visitors or wanderers, or perhaps it was the guards but most stared openly as we walked up to a specific house that seemed to be more expensive looking than the others. Only a few of the original huge group followed us into the actual house accompanied by the leader we had been talking to and the woman who hadn't stopped staring at me since we'd met her. It was as we came face to face with the so called King that I knew we weren't getting out of this in a peaceful manner. He sat on a make shift throne looking extremely smug with a female and male on each arm that one could describe as beautiful. His shoulders were wrapped in some type of animal fur, wolf if I had to guess, and to top of the look a golden crown rested on his head. This however wouldn't have bothered me, spend your time however you want it was the look he gave what belonged to me, that gave us an issue.

The vampires in the room all bowed as he turned his attention to them. Leaving us staring straight back at him, why should we bow anyway? He met my eyes and as soon as he made contact with my crimson eyes, his bled through as he stood. Intimidation at its finest, his eyes were a deeper red than mine but I doubt he would be any match for me with deaths powers and life's copy literally holding onto me as he tried to keep his temper. Finally seeming to notice I wasn't backing down he moved to look at the leader that had brought us in "who are these? New toys?", he questioned once again, his eyes drifted to my kitten. I stepped in front of him blocking the view, Hadrian seemed to be glaring at someone but I refused to look away, incase the king took it as an act of submission. "No my king we came across them on your land and the vampire requested your presence", he nodded and moved to stand in front of us. "We have a propersition for you, if you're interested that is but either way we walk out that door. The only question is will it be with you gaining an Ally or bleeding out on the floor", many shocked gasps wrang out around the room as I just stared back, completely serious. He seemed outraged but also intrigued it was just which he decided to act on. It looked as though his curiosity won the battle as "And your propersition would be?". "You might have heard of a new group fighting for the rights of dark creatures? We are suggesting that you help us fight for those rights and in return you can not only show your face freely in public without further investigation and enjoy the freedom that comes with the same rights as Wizards", he narrowed his eyes and took another step towards me. "And if I say no?", I smirked "We leave and when we win you will be begging us to alow you into our minestry and towns".

He laughed which was followed by the echoing sounds of laughter. As one by one the mindless followers agreed that the statement was somehow hilarious. I waited for the fake laughter to finish and he spoke again, yet it was equally as arrogant and moronic. "Sorry its just you're under the impression that not only are you in charge but that you're also  leaving". Seeing the slowly approaching group behind us in the reflection of his crown I hovered my hand over my wrist mark to signal to the others. Its a cleaver little trick we realised completely by accident but if we focus magic into the mark we can communicate in each others minds, we'd done it before and had gotten pretty good. I told them all what was going to happen and I told them to relax and not fight it, I had another plan. As predicted they grabed each of us by both wirsts, that they held behind our backs. It amused me that the vampire who 'had' me was shaking so much I could feel it in his grip.

"So I'm going to take this as you're not joining? Or do we have to convince you that we are worth following", this time he stepped directly in front of me with a smirk. "I'm not the following type and if you're not familiar I'm stronger than you. Now we're going to kill you but hey don't worry, we will keep the pretty subs happy", I growled and tried to keep my calm, they would be a good Ally if I can keep my temper and pull this off. They chained us to the back wall and brought Luna, Bella and my kitten forward. I wasn't too worried, the chains wouldn't hold me in place and my kitten isn't exactly defenceless. He stood directly in front of Hadrian with a smirk, I honestly felt bad for the guy with the way those 3 were glaring he would be missing at least one of his precious crown jewls, by the end of the night, if not sooner.

* Hadrian's POV *
I watched as the guy smugly walked in front of me, clearly thinking he was entitled to have me but he was seriously mistaking. We walked through a muddy forest to get here and as much as I love Tommy this isn't really going too well so I'm about a second from gutting them and moving on. Besides I have some tricks I've been practicing, just waiting for the perfect opportunity to show them. "So how about you and me show them what power is lovely", he raised a hand towards my cheek, I stopped it with my hand raised "touch me or anyone of my friends and you'll see some power". He laughed and pointed to my head, I rolled my eyes when I realised I'd let my neko ears and tail out in my anger. "I like you, you're fiesty", I restrained throwing him across the room and turned to give Tommy an unimpressed look.

He nodded and I smiled back at the so called king just waiting for him to say something else that is stupid. Right on que "So I can't harm your friends got it what about your little boy toy?", he laughed and I just smiled "you touch him I kill her", I pointed to the girl we first came across. I wanted to kill her for looking at Tom constantly which hadn't stopped until this second as she turned to me. The king laughed "sure", and raised his arm. I turned to watch another vampire drive a large metal pole through Tom's abdomen, blood running down to pool at his feet "that'll do it". I turned to face the bitch that couldn't keep her eyes to herself and smirked, my hands glowed bright yellow as she quite literally exploded from the inside out. As I was doing this Luna and Bella staked the two holding onto their shoulders with a bright smile as the blood splattered onto their faces.

I turned to look at the king watching his shocked face and the faint blush. Omg why do all these men find it hot when I murder people, messed up. "Now I suggest you let my very handsome mate continue his speech and join us but by all means disagree I would love it if you did", I smiled at him as Bella and luna returned to back me up. There were growls from all around the room as the other vampires waited for their king to avenge their friend, however that's unfortunately not what he chose. Not waiting for a response I threw all the vampires in my way to a wall with a flow of my hand, marching towards Tom. I smiled and pulled out the pole so he could heal, he coughed and sighed as he was healed again "Okay I deserve that one, I'm sorry kitten". I decided to forgive him and wrapped my arms around him.

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